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Winter's a Comin' Part II of III
Winter's a Comin' Part II of III-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionBrrrr... It's getting mighty cold out thar! We need varmint skins for fur coats and enough veggies and grains to survive the hard winter. Better get crackin' before the first frost!
In-Game HintYou can clobber varmints after harvesting crops, chopping trees and clearing weeds. Purchase potato and wheat in the crops tab in the Market.
XPXP-icon 500 XP
FoodFood-icon 200 Food
Sharing Bonus
FoodFood-icon 100 Food
Winter's a Comin' Part I of III Winter's a Comin' Part II of III Winter's a Comin' Part III of III

Winter's a Comin' Part II of III is one of the Limited Edition Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on November 28th, 2010 and expired on January 6th, 2011. It was part of the Winter's a Comin' Goal Series.


Clobber Fox-icon Clobber 10 Varmints Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes
Potatoes-icon Harvest 30 Potatoes Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 50 Horseshoes
Wheat-icon Harvest 30 Wheat Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 30 Horseshoes


Share Winter's a Comin' Part II of III-icon Pioneer is Stocked Up For Winter!

Pioneer has stocked up supplies for the long winter months and wants to share some extra food with you! Grab some food and stock up yerself!


Winter's a Comin' Part II of III
Winter's a Comin' Part II of III Complete

See Also[]