The Tool Panel is a set of icons used to help a Pioneer maintain their homestead in FrontierVille.
List of Tools[]
Image | Description |
My Tools Menu Click the My Tools icon to open the My Tools Menu. | |
Tend Tool is the default cursor. It can be used to Clear Land, harvest Crops, chop Trees, feed Animals, Whack Frameworks and scare/clobber Varmints on a Pioneer's Homestead. | |
Sell Tool is the tool used to sell Animals and other objects. Some items cannot be sold, only removed. | |
Rotate Tool is the tool used to rotate objects on a Pioneer's Homestead. | |
Move Tool is the tool used to move objects around a Pioneer's Homestead. | |
Store Tool is the tool used to store Decorations in the Storage Shed. | |
Other | |
Cancel Tool is the tool used to immediately stop all actions the Pioneer is performing or about to perform. | |
Market Menu is where a Pioneer can spend Coins or Horseshoes on Crops, Trees, Animals, Buildings, Decorations and Meals. View the Market page for a complete list. | |
My Stuff Menu Click the My Stuff icon to open the My Stuff Menu. | |
Gifts is a menu used to view recently accepted Gifts along with the Neighbor who sent it. | |
Family Album is a menu used to view a Pioneer's avatar. Spouse avatars and Child avatars are also viewed here. Customizing avatars is also possible from this menu. | |
Inventory is a menu that displays a list of items a Pioneer has acquired. Accepted Neighbor Gifts, bonus gifts, rewards, and crafted items are stored in inventory. | |
Collections is a menu of items collected while performing certain tasks. View the Collections page for a complete list. | |
Missions Organizer is how you can organize your Goals. | |
Options Menu Click the Options icon to open the Options Menu. | |
Quality: Toggle the graphics quality. | |
Sound Effects: Toggle sound effects on or off. | |
Music: Toggle music on or off. | |
Zoom In | |
Zoom Out | |
Fullscreen: Toggle fullscreen mode. |