FrontierVille Wiki
The Prairie Pox Goal Series
The Prairie Pox, Part I of IV-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
XPXP-icon 2,000 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 500 Coins
FoodFood-icon 50 Food
ItemEnergy-icon 5 Energy
Sharing Bonus
WoodWood-icon 10 Wood
Item1 Glass Vial, 1 Peppermint, 1 Prescription

The Prairie Pox Goal Series is one of the Goal Series in FrontierVille. It was released on February 18th, 2010. It has 4 parts.



Some time after accepting the Goal Series, if it is not completed, the Pioneer will be offered the chance to take accept a free cure. This will simply remove the green coloring from the Pioneer. The Goals will still be able to be completed.

The Cure