FrontierVille Wiki

This page is about the earliest goal with this name. For the later goal with the same name see Tend Neighbor Crops 2.

Tend Neighbor Crops
Tend Neighbor Crops-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionPeople on the frontier help each other out. Go check out the neighbor's crops 'n be sure they're all right.
In-Game HintYou can tend neighbor crops even before they're ready for harvest!
XPXP-icon 5 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 250 Coins
Sharing Bonus
FoodFood-icon 20 Food
Lay in Supplies Tend Neighbor Crops The Fowl Watch

Tend Neighbor Crops is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on July 2nd, 2010.


Tend Unready Crop-icon Tend One Unready Neighbor Crop. -
Tend Ripe Crop-icon Tend One Ripe Neighbor Crop. -
Tend Ripe Crop-icon Tend One Withered Neighbor Crop. -


Share Tend Neighbor Crops Pioneer visited neighbor homesteads and helped with the harvest.
Pioneer visited a bunch o' neighbors and tended their crops. There's a bounty o' food available now if ya want some!


Tend Neighbor Crops

Goal Info

Tend Neighbor Crops Complete

Goal Complete