FrontierVille Wiki
Survey the Land
Survey the Land-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionNow you gotta survey your homestead and all that surrounds it so you can increase the size of your homestead!
In-Game HintDebris are items such as Grass, thorns, rocks and wildflowers. Ask your friends to send Survey Authorizations by clicking the "Ask" button. (They'll be deducted when you complete this mission.)
XPXP-icon 200 XP
Sharing Bonus
XPXP-icon 100 XP
Time to Start Staking Claims Survey the Land Map the Land

Survey the Land is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the second step in the Homestead Expansion series of Goals. It was released on August 11th, 2010.


Visit Your Neighbors-icon Visit Ten Neighbors Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 30 Horseshoes
Survey Authorization-icon Receive Ten Survey Authorizations
(Fulfilling this mission will consume the Authorizations)
Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 10 Horseshoes
Clear Neighbor Debris Clear Ten Neighbor's Debris Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 10 Horseshoes


  • Clicking on the Neighbor's wall requests for Survey Authorizations will award the Pioneer with one in return for sending one to them.


Survey the Land share Pioneer thinks size matters!
Pioneer is getting bigger - the homestead that is - with a little help from friends.


Survey the Land

Goal Info

Survey the land completed

Goal Complete

See Also[]