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Sprucin' Up the Homestead!
No image
Upload File:Spend Some Time in the Workshop!-icon.png
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionNow that you got yer Workshop placed, Lee would like to make sure yer a Master Craftsman! Spend some time in the Workshop to test yer skills!
In-Game HintComplete the Crafting Workshop to collect a daily bonus.
XPXP-icon 500 XP
ItemWood Glue, Used Nails
Sharing Bonus
Build a Crafting Workshop! Spend Some Time in the Workshop! Craft a New Decoration!

Spend Some Time in the Workshop, also known as Sprucin' Up the Homestead!, is one of the Goals in FrontierVille and is the second Goal in the Crafting Workshop Goal Series. It was released on ??st, 2011.


File:Crafting Workshop Daily Bonus-icon.png Collect Daily Bonus from Crafting Workshop Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 00 Horseshoes
File:Cut Pine-icon.png Chop down five Oak or Pine Trees Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 75 Horseshoes
Action Clear-icon Clear 20 Debris on Your Homestead Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 140 Horseshoes


File:Share Spend Some Time in the Workshop.png Pioneer ??

Pioneer ??


Spend Some Time in the Workshop-tasks

Goal Info

Spend Some Time in the Workshop-complete

Goal Info

See Also[]

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