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Shootin' 'N' Shoppin'
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—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionThe Prospector wails, "This place is infested with cursed varmints" Your Sharpshooter's not worried, though. Shoot those varmints and go shoppin' with the hides!
In-Game HintClick on Hoary Elm Trees and Skeletal Remains for a chance to find cursed varmints.
XPXP-icon 100 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 250 Coins
Item20 Charms
Sharing Bonus
Charmin' with Science Shootin' 'N' Shoppin' A Bone-a-fied Threat! Part I of IV, Grave Circumstances! Part I of IV, Alarmin' Farmin'! Part I of IV

Shootin' 'N' Shoppin' is the second Goal in the Ghost Town. It was released on Oct 7th, 2011.


File:Hoary Elm Tree-icon.png Chop Hoary Elm Trees 5 Times. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 15 Horseshoes
File:Skeletal Remains-icon.png Clear 5 Skeletal Remains. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 15 Horseshoes
File:Spider Web-icon.png Buy a Spider Web in the Ghost Town Market. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 23 Horseshoes


File:Share Shootin' 'N' Shoppin'.png Pioneer is Trigger Happy!

Since gettin' a crossbow, Pioneer has been shootin' everything and grabbin' their hides! Want one?


Shootin' 'N' Shoppin'-tasks

Goal Info

Shootin' 'N' Shoppin' Complete

Goal Complete


See Also[]