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Do Not Stop Til You Bake Enough!
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Upload File:School Bake Sale, part III of III-icon.png
—Image Âİ Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionThat's a mighty fine playground, but the temperature is risin'! The schoolmarm wants to give the young'ins somethin' they'll never forget!
In-Game HintCream Cows are available in the Market.
XPXP-icon 750 XP
ItemPlayground Swings, Sugarcane
Sharing Bonus
School Bake Sale, part II of III School Bake Sale, part III of III

School Bake Sale, part III of III, also known as Do Not Stop Til You Bake Enough! is one of the Homestead Goals and is the third part of the School Bake Sale Goal Series. It was released on Oct ??, 2011.


File:Cream Cow-icon.png Tend 20 Adult Cream Cows on your homestead or neighbors' Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 100 Horseshoes
File:Playground Instructions-icon.png Collect ten Playground Instructions Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 80 Horseshoes
Chocolate Molten Cake-icon Craft two Chocolate Molton Cakes in the Brick Oven (These will be consumed for the Bake Sale) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon Craft Horseshoes


File:School Bake Sale, part III of III.png Pioneer's ??



School Bake Sale, part III of III-tasks

Goal Info

School Bake Sale, part III of III Complete

Goal Complete


See Also[]