FrontierVille Wiki
Lawful Entry
Railroad Baron, Part I of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionHey there, I'm Edw-... you can call me Eddy. I was part of an important court case back east and we need to lay rails across your "Stead".
Level Required24
Item1 Golden Goose, 5 Iron Forges, 1 Animal Magnetism Boost
Sharing Bonus
Railroad Baron, Part I of V Railroad Baron, Part II of V

Railroad Baron, Part I of V, also known as Lawful Entry is one of the Goals in Pioneer Trail. It was released on January 16, 2014. It is the first step in the Railroad Baron, Goal Series.


Chop Pine-icon Chop 12 Pine Trees to clear room for Ridge Rails Buy all for Horseshoe-icon 48 Horseshoes
Imported Silver Sheep-icon Tend 15 Imported Silver Sheep. Eddy seems really interested in their shiny wool Buy all for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes
Ridge Rails-icon Place the Ridge Rails foundation


Railroad Baron, Part I of V

Goal Info

See Also[]