FrontierVille Wiki
Resisting Duress
Railroad Baron, Part II of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionYou guys don't seem too excited about this railroad to the east, but that doesn't matter at all. You don't really have a choice.
Level Required24
Item1 Train Conclucktor, 1 Finkerton's BG Check, 1 Lumber Tree Serum
Sharing Bonus
Railroad Baron, Part I of V Railroad Baron, Part II of V Railroad Baron, Part III of V

Railroad Baron, Part II of V, also known as Resisting Duress is one of the Goals in Pioneer Trail. It was released on January 16, 2014. It is the second step in the Railroad Baron, Goal Series.


Iron Forge-icon Harvest 20 Iron Forges. Layin' rails takes a lot of metal Buy all for Horseshoe-icon 120 Horseshoes
Unwanted Rail-icon Disassemble Four Unwanted Rails to get them off of your Homestead Buy all for Horseshoe-icon 96 Horseshoes
Ridge Rails Level 1 Build the Ridge Railroad Station


Railroad Baron, Part II of V

Goal Info

See Also[]