FrontierVille Wiki
Punish Misbehavior in Class
Punish Misbehavior in Class-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionMiss Wildcat said a school child has been misbehaving in class! This is gonna hurt you more than it's gonna hurt me!
In-Game HintIf you don't have skulls, they are available in the market!
XPXP-icon 125 XP
Sharing Bonus
Make Children Do Homework Punish Misbehavior in Class

Punish Misbehavior in Class is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on July 2nd, 2010. It is part of the Schoolmarm Goals.


Clear Skull-icon Clear Four Skulls. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 8-30 Horseshoes
Barn-icon Collect One Barn Daily Bonus. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 9-38 Horseshoes
Pig Adult-icon Feed 40 Pigs. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 11-44 Horseshoes


  • If you have already cleared all the Skulls on your Homestead, just wait a few hours/days, and they will reappear if you have some room for them. Every few hours a handful of Debris grows back, however, it is random which type.


Share Punish Misbehavior in Class Pioneer's child was misbehaving.

Pioneer's child had to do a whole heap of chores after misbehaving in school.


Punish Misbehavior in Class 2

Goal Info

Punish Misbehavior in Class Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]