FrontierVille Wiki
Pony Express, Part II of V
Pony Express, Part II of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionTime to spread the word about your new Pony Express office.
In-Game HintTo customize your Pony Express, click on the building and select the "customize" option. Visit neighbors by clicking on them on the neighbor bar. Apple trees must be located on your homestead.
XPXP-icon 150 XP
Item1 Apple Tree
Sharing Bonus
XPXP-icon 50 XP
Pony Express, Part I of V Pony Express, Part II of V Pony Express, Part III of V

Pony Express, Part II of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on February 2nd, 2011. It is the second step in the Pony Express Goal Series.


Pony Express-icon Customize the Pony Express -
Visit Neighbors-icon Visit 10 Neighbors Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 25 Horseshoes
Harvest Apples Harvest 15 Apple Trees Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 45 Horseshoes


Share Pony Express Part II Pioneer's Pony Express is ready for deliveries!

Pioneer has finished the Pony Express and is now prepared to receive special deliveries! Pioneer wants to share the experience with you!


Pony Express Part II

Goal Info

Pony Express Part II Complete

Goal Completed

See Also[]