FrontierVille Wiki
FrontierVille Wiki
Pa McBaggins
Pa McBaggins-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionThis one might be tough - Pa's known to get lost on his way to the outhouse. He's probably meetin' the neighbors and helping out 'round the homestead.
In-Game HintClick on any building to collect a daily bonus.
XPXP-icon 250 XP
Item1 Care Package, 1 Map Piece
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Cherry Ready Boost
Silas McBaggins Pa McBaggins Lost Puppy

Pa McBaggins is one of the Limited Edition Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on April 26th, 2011 and is the third part of the Trouble on the Trail Goal Series. It needed to be accepted and finished by June 30th, 2011.


Daily Bonus-icon Collect Three Daily Bonuses Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 18 Horseshoes
Chop Pine-icon Chop Trees 15 Times on your Homestead Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 15 Horseshoes
Visit Neighbors-icon Visit Eight Neighbors Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 24 Horseshoes


Share Pa McBaggins-icon Pioneer found Pa McBaggins!

Pioneer's emergency rescue found Pa, who was helpin' around town and being friendly to the neighbors! Here is a boost from Pa to share with friends!rescue


Pa McBaggins

Goal Info

Pa McBaggins Complete

Goal Complete