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Neighbors are fellow Pioneers on nearby Homesteads of their own. They are required in some of the purchases in the Market

Add neighbor

The new 'Add Neighbor' button, as introduced on 15th July 2010

that require a specific number of neighbors to unlock. Neighbors can be visited to gain XP, Food, Energy, and items from Collections.

A blue Aura will appear around a group of objects that are associated with the actions of a neighbor when visiting the pioneer's homestead.

To add Neighbors, click the "My Neighbors" tab at the top of the Frontierville window. This will show you a list of all Facebook friends. Any who are already playing FrontierVille will show up with some basic information, such as what level they are. Click "Add [Name] As Neighbor" button to request they accept as a Neighbor. If they accept the invitation, they will show up among the Neighbors at the bottom of the FrontierVille game window.

You can have FrontierVille friends who are not Neighbors; you can still send gifts to them, but you will not be able to visit.

To visit a Neighbor, click your Neighbor and select Visit. This will allow you to travel to their homestead. You may do up to five tasks per day on neighbor's homestead. Each day, on your first visit to a neighbor, you will receive 1 Energy, 1 Cloth, and 25 Coins. The very first time you visit your neighbor, you will receive bonus Energy, Cloth, and Coins. This is on a 24-hour cycle.


  • When visiting a Neighbor, look for clues that indicate what the Neighbor is trying to accomplish. For example, a straight row of Lumber Trees planted inside a fenced area might indicate that the Neighbor does not want the pioneer's assistance in chopping them down.
  • When visiting a Neighbor, try to keep actions centralized in a small and common area. This will make it easier for the Neighbor to review the proposed changes via the highlighted blue Aura.


Players can get a free Tool when a Neighbor stops by to help on his/her Homestead. As of October 9, 2010 - players get new rewards of Construction Materials, School Supplies, Ribbon or Mystery Gift when a Neighbour stops by to help on his/her Homestead.

Icon Feed Reward
Share Neighbor-icon Pioneer stopped by your frontier homestead with some tools.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! They also left some big tools laying around for anyone that wants them.

Unwithered you-icon Pioneer revived your withered crops.

Pioneer stopped by and revived some withered crops for you. They'll come right back to life! There's also some extra tools!

Tended you hammer-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with a hammer.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There is a slightly-used hammer lying on a stump, if anyone needs one.

Tended you brick-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with some bricks.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There is a pile of bricks left behind, if anyone needs one.

Tended you nails Pioneer stopped by your frontier homestead with some tools.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! They also left some big tools laying around for anyone that wants them.

Tended you handdrill Pioneer stopped by your homestead with a hand drill.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There are a few hand drills lying around, in case you need one.

Hand Drill-icon
Tended you paintbucket-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with a paint bucket.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! They also left some big tools laying around for anyone that wants them.

Paint Bucket-icon
Tended you spitball-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left a spitball behind.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! You could learn a thing or two with that leftover spitball.

Tended you slate-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left a slate behind.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! You could learn a thing or two with that leftover slate.

Tended you chal.-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left some chalk behind.Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! You could learn a thing or two with that extra chalk. Chalk-icon
Tended you ink-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left you some ink.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! Don't let their extra bottles of ink go to waste...

Ink Well-icon
Tended you pen-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left you a new pen.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There's some free pens here as souvenirs of the visit.

Quill Pen-icon
Tended you ribbon-icon Pioneer visited your homestead, and left a ribbon behind.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There are a few ribbons tied onto random things for anyone who needs one.

Tended you peg-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with some pegs.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There are some pegs scattered around the pig pen in case you want one.

Tended you shingles-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with some shingles.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There are shingles lying by the woodpile for anyone who needs some.

Tended you malet-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with a mallet.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There's a big ol' mallet on your front porch that could use a new owner.

Tended you cement-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with some cement.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! A whole vat of cement was left over, so take some and put it to good use.

Tended you window-icon Pioneer stopped by your homestead with a window.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! There were too many windows to carry, so take one and give it a good home.

Tended you mysterygift-icon Pioneerstopped by your homestead and left you a calling card.

Pioneer is visiting your homestead right now! Looks like they left behind a mysterious gift to mark the occasion.

Myst box oneMystery Gift-iconMystery Gift 3Myst box four

Encouraging neighbors to visit[]

Neighbors help you get your own work done. By encouraging neighbors to visit, you spend less Energy feeding your Animals, tending your Crops, or getting other work done around your Homestead. There are things you can do to encourage neighbors to visit your homestead frequently.

  1. Remember that other players want to help you, but they have their own agendas as well. Some of them may be trying to complete a Goal to tend a neighbor's Crops or feed a neighbor's Animals. Some may be trying to fill Collections. Be the neighbor that everyone wants to visit, because there are many options to fill their own needs as well as your own. Make it easy for them to find things as well.
  2. Space your Animals in such a way that it's easy for them to select and feed. Some people pack their Animals in such tight groups that it can be hard to select them. Spaces between lines of Animals can make a big difference in how easy they are to select.
  3. Try to make sure you plant or buy at least five of any type of animals, crops, or Fruit Trees. For example, if you are planting Apricot Trees, try to plant at least five of them in your grove. Depending on your neighbor's goals, he or she may need to feed or harvest Animals, plants, or trees. Since neighbors can do up to five tasks on your homestead, having at least five of any of these can help them with their Goals and will bring them back.
  4. Group Animals by type. Don't mix all your Animals together. For one thing, large Animals may block small Animals, particularly young ones, making them impossible to tend. Put your Chickens in one line, Pigs in another, etc.
  5. Plant at least 2-3 different types of crops and group all the same types of crops together to make them easy to find. Different people may be trying to fill different Collections.
  6. Group Fruit Trees by type as well. Make groves of one type at a time.
  7. Communicate your Goals. If you would like neighbors to help with a certain task, post your request to Facebook. If you don't want them to touch a certain area, fence it in with the "Hands Off" sign from Decorations. Or, if you want work done on a certain area, use the "Tend Here" sign. It's no guarantee they will see it, but some will look for these signs and appreciate the guidance.


Visits for Animals[]

Visits for Crops[]

Visits for Debris[]

Generic Visits[]




Fruit Trees[]

Lumber Trees[]


The following badges are available from visiting Neighbors, hiring Neighbors, and having Neighbors tend your Homestead:

Teamwork Badge-icon
Talented Teamwork Badge
15 Visits
Teamwork Badge-icon
Thoughtful Teamwork Badge
100 Visits
Teamwork Badge-icon
Thankful Teamwork Badge
500 Visits
Teamwork Badge-icon
Terrific Teamwork Badge
2,500 Visits
Employer Badge-icon
Excellent Employer Badge
5 Hires
Employer Badge-icon
Engaging Employer Badge
25 Hires
Employer Badge-icon
Exceptional Employer Badge
100 Hires
Employer Badge-icon
Experienced Employer Badge
500 Hires
Neighbor Badge-icon
Naive Neighbor Badge
50 Tends
Neighbor Badge-icon
Noble Neighbor Badge
500 Tends
Neighbor Badge-icon
Needy Neighbor Badge
2,500 Tends
Neighbor Badge-icon
Noteworthy Neighbor Badge
25,000 Tends

See Also[]