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FrontierVille Wiki
Lost Kittens
Lost Kittens-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionWon't be long till sundown! Hurry 'n find them kittens before the bears do! They love playing with li'l critters and climbing trees - maybe you can start there.
In-Game HintGroundhogs love to come around when you harvest crops; Bears come around when you chop down full grown trees. Peach Trees can be purchased in the Market.
XPXP-icon 350 XP
Item1 Critter Milk, 1 Map Piece
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Apple Ready Boost
Lost Puppy Lost Kittens Lost Tools

Lost Kittens is one of the Limited Edition Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on April 26th, 2011 and is the fifth part of the Trouble on the Trail Goal Series. It needed to be accepted and finished by June 30th, 2011.


Groundhog-icon Clobber Three Groundhogs Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 24 Horseshoes
Bear-icon Clobber One Bear Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 10 Horseshoes
Peach Tree-icon Harvest 10 Peach Trees Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 15 Horseshoes


Share Lost Kittens-icon Pioneer found a pair of pussy cats!

Pioneer's search for the McBaggins Family has found their little cute kittens, Bootsy & Bobtail! Pioneer has a boost of luck for friends!


Lost Kittens

Goal Info

Lost Kittens Complete

Goal Complete