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FrontierVille Wiki
Feeling Inn L'Amour Tonight
Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionNow that you own a well-lit Inn L'Amour, invite guests to stay over for a night cap. They are goin' to love some fresh warm milk to help them get to relaxin' and have a good night's rest.
In-Game HintClick on the Inn L'Amour and select "View/Invite Guests" to request visits; Click Daily Bonus to collect the bonus; Click "Customize" to customize the Inn L'Amour.
XPXP-icon 1000 XP
Sharing Bonus
Inn L'Amour, Part III of IV Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV

Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV is one of the Goals in FrontierVille and was released on July ?? 2011. It is the fourth step in the Inn L'Amour Goal Series.


File:Inn Upgrade Crew-icon.png Have 9 Guests Visit Inn L'Amour Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 100 Horseshoes
File:Inn Upgrdaw Bonus-icon.png Collect Two Inn L'Amour Daily Bonuses Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 30 Horseshoes
File:Inn Upgrade Customize-icon.png Customize the Inn L'Amour Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 0 Horseshoes


Share Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV Pioneer is gearin' up to a 5 star Inn!

is already bookin' rooms for the new Inn and can't wait for your visit! There's some milk left over from the kitchen that your critters might like!


Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV

Goal Info

File:Inn L'Amour, Part IV of IV Complete.png

Goal Complete

See Also[]