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FrontierVille Wiki
Holiday Hogknocker I
Holiday Hogknocker I-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionJack is settin' out to find a big ol' holiday ham for the Frontier Family! He says there's a legendary pig named Hogknocker and he means to track 'er down!
In-Game HintHarvest peach trees to find Fuzzy Peaches!
XPXP-icon 500 XP
Item1 Hogknocker Crate
Sharing Bonus
Holiday Hogknocker I Holiday Hogknocker II

Holiday Hogknocker I was one of the Timed Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on December 2nd. It needed to be accepted by December 3rd, 2011 and the Pioneer had 5 days after accepting to complete it.


Wheat-icon Harvest 100 Wheat On Your Homestead Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 200 Horseshoes
Fuzzy Peach-icon Find 25 Fuzzy Peaches Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 154 Horseshoes
Holiday Slop-icon Collect 15 Holiday Slop Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 120 Horseshoes


File:Share Holiday Hogknocker I-icon.png


Holiday Hogknocker I popup


Holiday Hogknocker I Accept

Goal Accepted

Holiday Hogknocker I

Goal Info

Holiday Hogknocker I Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]