FrontierVille Wiki
FrontierVille Wiki
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionA big dance is just four days away! Time fer you and yer old jug band pals to get practicin'! And you all better get some new duds while yer at it!
In-Game HintCotton is available at the market. You can make fancy clothing at the general store. Click "ask" above to ask friends for some tootin' jugs.
CoinsCoins-icon 100 Coins
Item1 Lunch, 1 Fiddle
Sharing Bonus
FoodFood-icon 50 Food
Build a Water Tower Hoedown!

Hoedown! is one of the Timed Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on November 27th, 2010. It needed to be accepted by December 31st, 2010, and the Pioneer had 4 days after accepting to complete it.


Cotton-icon Harvest 25 Cotton Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 50 Horseshoes
Fancy Clothing-icon Have 5 Fancy Clothing (Them clothes'll be used up fer this mission.) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 50 Horseshoes
Tootin' Jug-icon Collect 10 Tootin' Jugs (Them jugs will be used up too.) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes


Share Hoedown!-icon Hoedown o' the year!

Pioneer's spent all night a-singin' and a-dancin'! Pioneer has some leftover food for friends!


Hoedown! Accept

Goal Accepted


Goal Info

Hoedown! Complete

Goal Complete