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FrontierVille Wiki
Hank and Bess, Part IV of V
Hank and Bess, Part IV of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionOh no! Bess got a letter from her old rodeo clown flame, and Hank is as jealous as a pig in a beauty contest! How are we going to get these two lovers back together?
In-Game HintRoses are available in the market. Craft presents in the General Store. Click on the chapel once a day to collect a daily bonus.
XPXP-icon 200 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 100 Coins
Item1 Bed of Flowers
Sharing Bonus
Item1 White Rose Collectible
Hank and Bess, Part III of V Hank and Bess, Part IV of V Hank and Bess, Part V of V

Hank and Bess, Part IV of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the fourth step in the Hank and Bess Goal Series.


White Rose-icon Harvest 30 White Roses Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes
Present-icon Craft 10 Presents (Them presents will be consumed to complete this mission.) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 80 Horseshoes
Chapel Daily Bonus-icon Collect 2 Daily Bonuses at the Chapel Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 30 Horseshoes


Share Hank and Bess Part IV Pioneer's Been Smoothing the Course of True Love!

Hank and Bess almost split up, but Pioneer has smoothed things over. There are some leftover white rose collectibles for friends.


Hank and Bess Part IV

Goal Info

Hank and Bess Part IV Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]