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FrontierVille Wiki
Groundhog Cannon
Groundhog Cannon-icon
—Image © Zynga
DescriptionGroundhog Cannon: Kill groundhogs with one shot. Costs one Powder Keg.
XPXP-icon 300 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 30,000 Coins
Sell forCoins-icon 6,000 Coins

The Groundhog Cannon is a Decoration in FrontierVille which was released with the Varmint Cannon Goals on August 27th, 2010. It can be bought at the Foundry as soon as the Varmint Cannon - Part 3: Seriously It is a Cannon that Shoots Snakes Goal is completed for Coins-icon 30,000 Coins. When bought and placed on the Homestead, the Pioneer will receive XP-icon 300 XP. It can be sold for Coins-icon 6,000 Coins.

In order to fire the Groundhog Cannon, the Groundhog must be present on the Homestead, and one Powder Keg will be consumed.



Share Groundhogs This Time It is Personal BANG! Pioneer done greased a groundhog!

Groundhogs have no place to hide from Pioneer's groundhog cannon! Now username wants to share some experience with everyone!