FrontierVille Wiki
FrontierVille Wiki
Get Ready for Baby
Get Ready for Baby-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionAfter a search among your neighbors for proper godparents, get a crib and some cash and it'll be time to add to the family!
In-Game HintCribs require ribbons, obtainable as free gifts, and sawhorses, crafted inside the Barn.
XPXP-icon 150 XP
ItemA Child
Energy-icon +1 Max Energy
Energy-icon Max Increase of Energy
Sharing Bonus
CoinsCoins-icon 100 Coins
Prepare to Build a Crib Get Ready for Baby Care for Your Child and A Thorny Problem

Get Ready for Baby is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on June 9th, 2010.


Crib-icon Craft a Crib. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 38 Horseshoes
Coins-icon Pay 5000 Coins. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 14 Horseshoes
Visit Neighbors-icon Visit 5 Neighbors. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 40 Horseshoes


  • Fulfilling this mission will consume 5,000 Coins (meaning, they will be automatically deducted from the Coin balance). If this will completely deplete the Coin balance, the Pioneer should pre-plan, and have as many Crops planted as possible, in order to begin to accumulate more Coins at their harvest.



Share Get Ready for Baby Pioneer and spouse welcomed a new child in FrontierVille!

Pioneer can have a whole family of teeny avatars to work together on the frontier. They'll even have birthdays and grow up! Pioneer also has some free Coins to celebrate the birth!


Get Ready for Baby

Goal Info