FrontierVille Wiki
FrontierVille Wiki
—Image © Zynga
Neighbors RequiredAdd 5
CoinsCoins-icon 15,000 Coins
WoodWood-icon 50 Wood
Whack25 times
Wood RequiredWood-icon 10 Wood
Daily Bonus
OtherPrairie Pile, Foundry Collectible, Coins-icon 597 Coins

The Foundry is a Building which provides the Pioneer with a Daily Bonus every 24 hours in FrontierVille. Foundries are available for purchase in the Market for Wood-icon 50 Wood. When bought and placed on the Homestead, the Pioneer recieves XP-icon 15 XP. While constructing the Foundry and by collecting the Daily Bonus, there is a chance of finding collectibles from the Foundry Collection and a Prarie Pile. It was announced via the newsfeed and the Loading Screen on August 25th, 2010, and appeared on August 27th, 2010. It is used to craft a Varmint Cannon.

Construction Materials[]

For the initial purchase and the complete construction, a total of Wood-icon 300 Wood and the following materials are required.

Hammer Nail Brick Hand Drill Paint Bucket
Hammer-icon Nails-icon Bricks-icon Hand Drill-icon Paint Bucket-icon
x0 x0 x0 x0 x0
Window Cement Peg Mallet Shingles
Window-icon Cement-icon Peg-icon Mallet-icon Shingles-icon
x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Measuring Tape Screwdriver Hanger Elbow Grease Construction Level
Measuring Tape-icon Screwdriver-icon Hanger-icon Elbow Grease-icon Construction Level-icon
x0 x0 x0 x10 x0

Construction Stages[]

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Complete
Foundry1-icon Foundry2-icon Foundry3-icon Foundry-icon
0 - 7 Whacks 8 - 16 Whacks 17 - 25 Whacks Complete


After building the Foundry, it may be customized with different walls, roof, trim, and details.

Part Style 1 Style 2 Style 3
Walls Foundry Walls1
Wooden Walls
Foundry Walls2
Shanty Walls
Foundry Walls3
Stucco Walls
Roof Foundry Roof3-icon
Shingle Roof
Foundry Roof1-icon
Shanty Roof
Foundry Roof2-icon
Colonial Roof
Trim Foundry Trim1
Coppery Chimney
Foundry Trim2
Tin Chimney
Foundry Trim3
Stone Chimney
Details Foundry Shelves-icon
Foundry Junk-icon
Foundry Cannon-icon

Crafting Workbench[]

The Foundry's Crafting Workbench contains the following crafting items.

Materials Product Workbench
Saltpeter-icon Fire-icon Powder Keg-icon Foundry-icon
1 Saltpeter Fire-icon 5 Fire 1 Powder Keg Foundry


The Foundry Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Foundry.

Collectibles Reward
Furnace-icon Ladle-icon Casting Mold-icon Slack Tub-icon Tongs-icon Powder Keg-icon

Furnace Ladle Casting Mold Slack Tub Tongs Powder Keg


See the Building page for more info.

See Also[]