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Fanny's on the Prowl, Part III of III
Fanny's on the Prowl, Part III of III-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionGosh, once you get her outta that schoolhouse, looks like Miss Wildcat ain't NEVER goin' back inside! Who knew she was such a social butterfly? Might as well invite her to your barn dance. Maybe she'll meet somebody!
In-Game HintBales of hay can be purchased at the Market. Visit the Tailor Shop for a new outfit. Click "ask" above to ask your friends for dancin' jig music.
XPXP-icon 1,000 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 500 Coins
Item1 Banjo
Sharing Bonus
FoodFood-icon 250 Food
Fanny's on the Prowl, Part II of III Fanny's on the Prowl, Part III of III

Fanny's on the Prowl, Part III of III is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on January 21st, 2011. It is the third step in the Fanny's on the Prowl Goal Series.


Hay Bale-icon Purchase 5 Bales of Hay at the Market Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 5 Horseshoes
Jig Music-icon Collect 10 Jig Music Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 12 Horseshoes
School House Bonus-icon Collect Schoolhouse Bonus Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 20 Horseshoes


Share Fanny's on the Prowl Part III Pioneer and Miss Wildcat Have Been Kickin' Up their Heels!

Miss Wildcat has been dancin' up a storm at Pioneer's barn dance. Want some leftovers?


Fanny's on the Prowl Part III

Goal Info

Fanny's on the Prowl Part III Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]