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Doctor's Office
Doctor's Office-icon
—Image © Zynga
CoinsCoins-icon 1,000 Coins
WoodWood-icon 20 Wood
Whack8 times
Wood RequiredWood-icon 10 Wood
Daily Bonus
XPXP-icon 100 XP
OtherDoctor's Office Collectible

The Doctor's Office is a Building in FrontierVille which provides the Pioneer with XP-icon 100 XP every 24 hours. It was released on February 18th, 2011. Doctor's Offices are available for purchase in the Market for Coins-icon 1,000 Coins and Wood-icon 20 Wood. When bought and placed on the Homestead, the Pioneer receives XP-icon 22 XP. While constructing the Doctor's Office and by collecting the Daily Bonus, there is a chance of finding collectibles from the Doctor's Office Collection. The Doctor's Office can be upgraded to the Animal Hospital.

Doctor's Office Banner

Construction Materials[]

For the initial purchase and the complete construction, a total of Wood-icon 80 Wood and the following materials are required.

10 Clothes
5 Painkillers
Latex Glove-icon
5 Latex Gloves
Hospital Bed-icon
5 Hospital Beds
5 Antiseptics
5 Masks

Construction Stages[]

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Complete
Doctor's Office1-icon Doctor's Office2-icon Doctor's Office3-icon Doctor's Office-icon
0-2 Whacks 2-5 Whacks 5-8 Whacks Complete


After building the Doctor's Office, it may be customized with different walls, roof, trim, and details.

Part Style 1 Style 2 Style 3
Walls Doctor's Office Wooden Walls-icon
Wooden Walls
Doctor's Office Stucco Walls-icon
Stucco Walls
Doctor's Office Shanty Walls-icon
Shanty Walls
Roof Doctor's Office Wooden Roof-icon
Wooden Roof
Doctor's Office Thatched Roof-icon
Thatched Roof
Doctor's Office Shanty Roof-icon
Shanty Roof
Trim Doctor's Office Wooden Awning-icon
Wooden Awning
Doctor's Office Canvas Awning-icon
Canvas Awning
Doctor's Office Shanty Awning-icon
Shanty Awning
Details Doctor's Office Door Sign-icon
Door Sign
Doctor's Office Roof Sign-icon
Roof Sign
Doctor's Office Garden Sign-icon
Garden Sign

Crafting Workbench[]

The Doctor's Offices Crafting Workbench contains the following crafting items.

Materials Product
Glass Vial-icon Peppermint Extract-icon Medicinal Elixir-icon
5 Glass Vials 1 Peppermint Extract 5 Medicinal Elixirs


The Medical Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from the Doctor's Office. On March 4th, 2011, the Syringe was available for a short time.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Forceps-icon Stethoscope-icon Bone Saw-icon Bandage-icon Syringe-icon Medical Supplies-icon XP-icon
Forceps Stethoscope Bone Saw Bandage Syringe Medical Supplies XP-icon 100 XP


See the Building page for more info.


Doctor's Office Popup

See Also[]