FrontierVille Wiki
FrontierVille Wiki
Critter Coddlin'
Critter Coddlin'-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionJust look at those big eyes starin' up at you! It takes a real hero to take in these injured critters, but Bess has it in her mind that they need some serious pamperin' too!
In-Game HintClick "ask" above to request Wishes and Critter Clothes. Click on an injured critter to help it using fuzzy blankets, juicy berries or critter milk.
Item5 Critter Milk, 5 Fuzzy Blankets, 5 Juicy Berries
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Cow
Tend Your Homestead Critter Coddlin'

Critter Coddlin' was one of the Timed Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on April 17th, 2011. It needed to be accepted by April 30th, 2011 and the Pioneer had 5 days after accepting to complete it.


Help Injured Critter-icon Help an Injured Critter Twice. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 30 Horseshoes
Wishes-icon Collect 10 Wishes Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 70 Horseshoes
Critter Clothes-icon Request 10 Critter Clothes Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 70 Horseshoes


Share Critter Coddlin' Pioneer has the best fur-balls in town!

Pioneer has pampered some critters and has a spare cow to share!


Critter Coddlin' Accept

Goal Accept

Critter Coddlin' Info

Goal Info

Critter Coddlin' Complete

Goal Completed