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FrontierVille Wiki

Collections are comprised of multiple items which can be collected by playing The Pioneer Trail. When the Pioneer collects all of these items, s/he will receive special Rewards. You generally can only have a maximum of 99 individual items of a collection at any time. There are currently 379 collections in Pioneer Trail.

Color Coding[]

Collection items which are shown below with a purple background are items which are needed in a variety of Goals. The Pioneer should therefore be careful not to give them away to a Neighbor, unless there is a sufficient quantity to satisfy the needs of the respective Goals. Collection items shown below with a light brown background are items which can be received from a Mystery Gift.


The following badges are available from turning in Collections:

Collector Badge-icon
Acute Accumulation Badge
Turn In 10
Collector Badge-icon
Adequate Accumulation Badge
Turn In 20
Collector Badge-icon
Ample Accumulation Badge
Turn In 50
Collector Badge-icon
Advanced Accumulation Badge
Turn In 100


3F Collection[]

The 3F Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from the 3F Clubhouse.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Blue Ribbon-icon Hard Workin'-icon Educational Book-icon Healthy Milk-icon Community Service-icon Orchard water XP-icon
Blue Ribbon Hard Workin' Educational Book Healthy Milk Community Service Spring Water 80

3 Year Anniversary Collection[]

3 Year Anniversary Collection

Almond Collection[]

The Almond Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Almond Trees. It was released on May 25th, 2011.

Collectibles Reward
Almond Butter-icon Almond Milk-icon Roasted Almonds-icon Almond Flour-icon Marzipan-icon Almond Tree-icon XP-icon
Almond Butter Almond Milk Roasted Almonds Almond Flour Marzipan Almond Tree 50 XP

Amy's Hideout Collection[]

Amy's Hideout Collection

Animal Aid Collection[]

Animal Aid Collection

Animal Habit Collection[]

Animal Habit Collection

Animal Power Collection[]

Animal Power Collection

Animal Taming Collection[]

Animal Taming Collection

Apothecary Collection[]

The Apothecary Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by gathering Mortar and Pestles in the High Plains.

Collectibles Reward
Alembic-icon Jar of Leeches-icon Measuring Spoon-icon Apothecary Scale-icon Silver Nitrate-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Alembic Jar of Leeches Measuring Spoon Apothecary Scale Silver Nitrate 75 Prize Tickets

Apple Collection[]

The Apple Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Apple Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Apple Butter-icon Apple Candy-icon Apple Cider-icon Apple Cobbler-icon Apple Pie-icon Pig-icon XP-icon
Apple Butter Apple Candy Apple Cider Apple Cobbler Apple Pie Pig 25 XP

Apple Festival Collection[]

Apple Festival Collection

Apricot Collection[]

The Apricot Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Apricot Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Apricot Candy-icon Apricot Cider-icon Apricot Fritter-icon Apricot Oil-icon Apricot Preserves-icon Coins-icon

Apricot Candy Apricot Cider Apricot Fritter Apricot Oil Apricot Preserves 3000 Coins

April Fools Collection[]

The April Fools Collection was a Limited Edition Collection that contains items which could have been acquired by doing various things in The Pioneer Trail during April of 2011.

Collectibles Reward
Snake in a Can-icon Fake Vomit-icon Finger Trap-icon Dribble Glass-icon Itching Powder-icon XP-icon Cactus-icon
Snake in a Can Fake Vomit Finger Trap Dribble Glass Itching Powder 200 XP Cactus

Archaeology Collection[]

Archaeology Collection

Artichocke Collection[]

Artichocke Collection

Australian Collection[]

The Australian Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Australian Animals.

Collectibles Reward
Kangaroo Steak-icon Aussie Meat Pie-icon Boomerang-icon Surfboard-icon Eucalyptus Leaf-icon Master Faster 4Hr-icon

Kangaroo Steak Aussie Meat Pie Boomerang Surfboard Eucalyptus Leaf 1 Master Faster 4Hr

Avocado Collection[]

The Avocado Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Avocado Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Avocado Guacamole-icon Avocado Shampoo-icon Avocado Oil-icon Avocado Smoothie-icon Avocado Sliced-icon Makeshift Laboratory-icon

Avocado Guacamole Avocado Shampoo Avocado Oil Avocado Smoothie Avocado Sliced Makeshift Laboratory

B&B Mystery Box Collection[]

B&B Mystery Box Collection

Back to School Collection[]

The Back to School Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Upgraded School House.

The collection was first available as a Limited Edition Collection which was released on September 1st, 2010 and was only available until September 15th.

Collectibles Reward
Book Strap-icon School Bell-icon Paddle-icon Wormy Apple-icon Globe-icon School Wagon-icon

Book Strap School Bell Paddle Wormy Apple Globe School Wagon

Badger Collection[]

The Badger Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Badgers.

Collectibles Reward
Shaving Brush-icon Badger Pelt-icon Badger Kebab-icon Badger Skull-icon Badger Milk-icon Critter Milk-icon XP-icon
Shaving Brush Badger Pelt Badger Kebab Badger Skull Badger Milk 1 Critter Milk 120 XP

Bakery Collection[]

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Mixing Bowl-icon Spatula-icon Oven Mitt-icon Rolling Pin-icon Golden Whisk-icon File:Cream Cow-icon.png XP-icon
Mixing Bowl Spatula Oven Mitt Rolling Pin Golden Whisk 3 Cream Cows XP-icon 100 XP

Balloon Collection[]

Balloon Collection

Bank Collection[]

The Bank Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Bank.

Collectibles Reward
Spare Change-icon Pocket Watch-icon Teller's Ledger-icon Sleeve Garter-icon Dollar Bag-icon Bank Crate-icon

Spare Change Pocket Watch Teller's Ledger Sleeve Garter Dollar Bag Bank Crate

Barber Shop Collection[]

The Barber Shop Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Barber Shop.

Collectibles Reward
Straight Razor-icon Bow Tie-icon Hot Towels-icon Comb Sanitizer-icon Hydraulic Chair-icon Barber Shop Pole-icon Cloth-icon
Straight Razor Bow Tie Hot Towels Comb Sanitizer Hydraulic Chair Barber Shop Pole 10 Cloth

Barn Collection[]

The Barn Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Barn.

Collectibles Reward
Salt Lick-icon Lantern-icon Milk Jug-icon Feed Pan-icon Hay Hook-icon Sawhorse-icon Animal Harvest Boost-icon
Salt Lick Lantern Milk Jug Feed Pan Hay Hook Sawhorse Animal Harvest Boost

Bear Collection[]

The Bear Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by scaring off Bears or from the Daily Bonus from the Stuffed Bear. The Bear Tooth is a possible bonus from Weather Forecast "Hot and a Chance of Rain".

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bear Skull-icon Bear Tooth-icon Bear Meat-icon Bear Pelt-icon Bear Claw-icon
Animal Ready Boost-icon

Animal ready boost

Bear Skull Bear Tooth Bear Meat Bear Pelt Bear Claw Animal ready boost

Beast O' Burden Collection[]

The Beast O' Burden Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by scavenging through Pack Mule packs.

Collectibles Reward
Beast O' Burden Canteen-icon Gunny Sack-icon Pine Box-icon Stake and Rope-icon Whip-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Beast O' Burden Canteen Gunny Sack Pine Box Stake and Rope Whip 100 Prize Tickets

Beautiful Breed Collection[]

Beautiful Breed Collection

Beehive Collection[]

The Beehive Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Beehive.

Collectibles Reward
Raw Honey-icon Propolis-icon Honeycomb-icon Royal Jelly-icon Pollen-icon Apple Ready Boost Set-icon

Raw Honey Propolis Honeycomb Royal Jelly Pollen 5 Apple Tree Ready Boosts

Bess Romance Collection[]

Bess Romance Collection

Big Barn Collection[]

The Big Barn Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Big Barn.

Collectibles Reward
Halter-icon Manure Fork-icon Lariat-icon Hoof Pad-icon Cow Bell-icon Sawhorse-icon Animal Harvest Boost-icon
Halter Manure Fork Lariat Hoof Pad Cow Bell Sawhorse 2 x Animal Harvest Boosts

Black Bean Collection[]

Black Bean Collection

Black Rose Collection[]

The Black Rose Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Black Roses.

Collectibles Reward
Black Rose Wreath-icon Black Rose Thorns-icon Black Rose Petals-icon Black Rose Bud-icon Black Rose Vase-icon Black Rose Wishing Well-icon

Black Rose Wreath Black Rose Thorns Black Rose Petals Black Rose Bud Black Rose Vase Black Rose Wishing Well

Blackberry Collection[]

The Blackberry Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Blackberry Bushes.

Collectibles Reward
Blackberry Honey-icon Blackberry Jam-icon Pickled Blackberry-icon Sharp Thorns-icon Blackberry Cobbler-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Blackberry Honey Blackberry Jam Pickled Blackberry Sharp Thorns Blackberry Cobbler 25 Prize Tickets

Blacksmith Collection[]

The Blacksmith Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Blacksmith.

Collectibles Reward
Wire Brush-icon Slag-icon Flatter Square-icon Cold Cutter-icon Polish Cloth-icon Sharp Axe-icon XP-icon
Wire Brush Slag Flatter Square Cold Cutter Polish Cloth Sharp Axe 25 XP

Bloodberry Tree Collection[]

The Bloodberry Tree Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by watering or harvesting Bloodberry Trees. NOTE: You can obtain Bloodberry Trees from the Mystery Family Crates by completing the Family Secret Goal Series.

Collectibles Reward
Bloodberry Juice-icon Bloodberry Cobbler-icon Berry Smoothie-icon Dried Bloodberries-icon Berries 'n' Cream-icon Family Secret Mystery Crate-icon

Bloodberry Juice Bloodberry Cobbler Berry Smoothie Dried Bloodberries Berries 'n' Cream Family Secret Mystery Crate

Bounty Artifact Collection[]

Bounty Artifact Collection

Boysenberry Collection[]

Boysenberry Collection

Brick Oven Collection[]

The Brick Oven Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Brick Oven.

Collectibles Reward
Cup of Sugar-icon Giant Spatula-icon Cookie Sheet-icon Oven Mitts-icon Pinch of Love-icon Chocolate Shaving-icon

Cup of Sugar Giant Spatula Cookie Sheet Oven Mitts Pinch of Love Chocolate Shavings

Bronze Carnival Collection[]

Bronze Carnival Collection

Bull Endurance Collection[]

Bull Endurance Collection

Bull Stamina Collection[]

Bull Stamina Collection

Bull Strength Collection[]

Bull Strength Collection

Bulletin Collection[]

Bulletin Collection

Bungling Botanist Collection[]

Bungling Botanist Collection

Bunny Beauty Collection[]

Bunny Beauty Collection

Cabbage Collection[]

The Cabbage Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Cabbage.

Collectibles Reward
Coleslaw-icon Fried Cabbage-icon Cabbage Rolls-icon Sauerkraut-icon Cabbage Stew-icon Thorns-icon XP-icon
Coleslaw Fried Cabbage Cabbage Rolls Sauerkraut Cabbage Stew Thorns 25 XP

Cabin Collection[]

The Cabin Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Cabin or Ponderosa Lodge.

Collectibles Reward
Candle Stick-icon Skillet-icon Fireplace Tool-icon Stove-icon Welcome Mat-icon Clothes-icon Rocking Chair-icon
Candle Stick Skillet Fireplace Tool Stove Welcome Mat 2 Clothes Rocking Chair

Campground Collection[]

Campground Collection

Canada Goose Collection[]

The Canada Goose Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by hunting Canada Geese.

Collectibles Reward
Goose Down-icon Half-Eaten Grass-icon Goose Gravy-icon Grilled Goose-icon Goose Liver Toast-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Goose Down Half-Eaten Grass Goose Gravy Grilled Goose Goose Liver Toast 100 Prize Tickets

Candy Shop Collection[]

Candy Shop Collection

Cantaloupe Collection[]

Cantaloupe Collection

Caring for Heroes Collection[]

Caring for Heroes Collection

Carnivorous Plants Collection[]

The Carnivorous Plants Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting Carnivorous Plants.

Collectibles Reward
Bloodthorn-icon Armored Branches-icon Strangling Roots-icon Blackened Bark-icon Haunted Fertilizer-icon Charm-icon

Bloodthorn Armored Branches Strangling Roots Blackened Bark Haunted Fertilizer Charm-icon 20 Charm

Caroling Collection[]

The Caroling Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting crops and animals, as well as collecting Daily Bonuses. It was released on December 19th, 2010.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Sheet Music-icon Tuning Fork-icon Caroling Candle-icon Hand Bell-icon Music Stand-icon Large Wreath-icon XP-icon
Sheet Music Tuning Fork Caroling Candle Hand Bell Music Stand 1 Large Wreath XP-icon 100 XP

Carp Collection[]

Carp Collection

Carrot Collection[]

The Carrot Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Carrots.

Collectibles Reward
Carrot Cake-icon Carrot Muffin-icon Carrot Puree-icon Glazed Carrot-icon Pickled Carrots-icon Carrot Juice-icon

Carrot Cake Carrot Muffin Carrot Puree Glazed Carrot Pickled Carrots Carrot Juice

Cascade Collection[]

Cascade Collection

Cat Master Collection[]

Cat Master Collection

Cattle Drive Collection[]

Cattle Drive Collection

Cattle Rustler Collection[]

Cattle Rustler Collection

Cave Truffle Collection[]

Cave Truffle Collection

Cavern Cave Collection[]

Cavern Cave Collection

Cavern Collection[]

Cavern Collection

Chapel Collection[]

The Chapel Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Chapel.

Collectibles Reward
Chapel Pulpit-icon Chapel Bingo Chips-icon Chapel Hymnal-icon Chapel Candles-icon Chapel Incense-icon Chapel Bell-icon XP-icon
Chapel Pulpit Chapel Bingo Chips Chapel Hymnal Chapel Candles Chapel Incense Chapel Bell 25 XP

Chasm Collection[]

Chasm Collection

Cherry Collection[]

The Cherry Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by watering or harvesting Cherry Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Cherry Cider-icon Cherry Candy-icon Cherry Preserves-icon Cherry Cobbler-icon Cherry Pie-icon Energy-icon

Cherry Cider Cherry Candy Cherry Preserves Cherry Cobbler Cherry Pie 3 Energy

Chicken Collection[]

The Chicken Collection is a Collection which contains items which can be acquired by feeding and tending Chickens.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Chicken Breast-icon Chicken Broth-icon Chicken Drumstick-icon Omelette-icon Eggs-icon Energy-icon
Chicken Breast Chicken Broth Chicken Drumstick Omelette Eggs Energy-icon 4 Energy

Chicken Coop Collection[]

The Chicken Coop Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Chicken Coop.

  • One White Egg, one Brown Egg, and one Spotted Egg are required for the Goal Collect Some Eggs.
Collectibles Reward
White Egg-icon Brown Egg-icon Spotted Egg-icon White Feather-icon Brown Feather-icon Chicken-icon Downy Feathers-icon
White Egg Brown Egg Spotted Egg White Feather Brown Feather 2 Chickens Downy Feathers

Chickens Eaten Collection[]

The Chickens Eaten Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired when Coyotes eat Chickens on the Pioneer's Homestead.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Chicken Beak-icon Chicken Comb-icon Chicken Feet-icon Chicken Skull-icon Chicken Wing-icon Chicken-icon
Chicken Beak Chicken Comb Chicken Feet Chicken Skull Chicken Wing 1 Chicken

Chili Collection[]

The Chili Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by watering or harvesting Chili Peppers.

Collectibles Reward
Stuffed Pepper-icon Chili Powder-icon Extra Hot Salsa-icon Three Bean Chili-icon Chili Oil-icon Extra Hot Chili Hot Sauce-icon

Stuffed Pepper Chili Powder Extra Hot Salsa Three Bean Chili Chili Oil Extra Hot Chili Hot Sauce

Civic Center Collection[]

Civic Center Collection

Claim Jumper Collection[]

Claim Jumper Collection

Clearing Collection[]

The Clearing Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clearing Debris from the Homestead.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Arrowhead-icon Eagle Feather-icon Pottery-icon Mushroom-icon Spanish Coin-icon Wood-icon Rocks-icon
Arrowhead Eagle Feather Pottery Mushroom Spanish Coin Wood-icon 35 Wood 1 Rocks

Clock Tower Collection[]

Clock Tower Collection

Clover Collection[]

The Clover Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by Watering or harvesting Clover.

Collectibles Reward
Clover Tea-icon Bee-icon Four-Leaf Clover-icon Clover Honey-icon Clover Blossom-icon Sheep-icon Food-icon
Clover Tea Bee Four-Leaf Clover Clover Honey Clover Blossom Sheep 25 Food

Cocoa Collection[]

The Cocoa Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting Cocoa Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Cocoa Pods-icon Chocolate Milk-icon Cocoa Butter-icon Chocolate Scented Candle-icon Chocolate Berries-icon Chocolate Shaving-icon

Cocoa Pods Chocolate Milk Cocoa Butter Chocolate Scented Candle Chocolate Berries 1 Chocolate Shavings

Coffee Collection[]

The Coffee Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by ?

Collectibles Reward
Cuppa Joe-icon Coffee Cupcake-icon Coffee Beans-icon Coffee Toffee-icon Silver Samovar-icon Coins-icon

Cuppa Joe Coffee Cupcake Coffee Beans Coffee Toffee Silver Samovar 2,000 Coins

Items are collected by harvesting coffee trees, which are available for horseshoes or making deposits in your bank, also as a free gift.

Companion Collection[]

Companion Collection

Corn Collection[]

The Corn Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Corn.

  • Five Cornbread are required for the Goal Party on the 4th II.
  • Five Corn Fritters are required for the Goal Chicken Tender.
Collectibles Reward
Cornbread-icon Corn Chowder-icon Corn Fritters-icon Grits-icon Popcorn-icon Goat-icon XP-icon
Cornbread Corn Chowder Corn Fritters Grits Popcorn Goat 25 XP

Corral Collection[]

The Corral Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Corral.

Collectibles Reward
Riding Crop-icon Saddle Blanket-icon Hoof Pick-icon Riding Boots-icon Halter-icon Carrot Treat-icon XP-icon
Riding Crop Saddle Blanket Hoof Pick Riding Boots Halter Carrot Treat 25 XP

Cotton Collection[]

The Cotton Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by Watering or harvesting Cotton.

Collectibles Reward
Boll Weevil-icon Cotton Gin-icon Cotton Seed-icon Thread Spool-icon Yarn Ball-icon Cloth-icon Ribbon-icon
Boll Weevil Cotton Gin Cotton Seed Thread Spool Yarn Ball 5 Cloth Ribbon

Countdown to Halloween[]

Countdown to Halloween

Courthouse Collection[]

Courthouse Collection

Cow Collection[]

The Cow Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding and tending Cows.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Butter-icon Cheddar Cheese-icon Cottage Cheese-icon Milk-icon Swiss Cheese-icon Food-icon Skull-icon
Butter Cheddar Cheese Cottage Cheese Milk Swiss Cheese Food-icon 25 Food Skull

Cowboy Collection[]

Cowboy Collection

Coyote Collection[]

The Coyote Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Coyotes.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Mangled Feathers-icon Coyote Howling-icon Coyote Pelt-icon Coyote Pendant-icon Coyote Tail-icon Stuffed Coyote-icon
Mangled Feathers Coyote Howling Coyote Pelt Coyote Pendant Coyote Tail 1 Stuffed Coyote

Crabapple Collection[]

The Crabapple Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by watering or harvesting Crabapple Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Crabapple Preserves-icon Crabapple Blossoms-icon Crabapple Juice-icon Pickled Crabapple-icon Crabapple Bread-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Crabapple Preserves Crabapple Blossoms Crabapple Juice Pickled Crabapple Crabapple Bread 50 Prize Tickets

Crafting Collection[]

The Crafting Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be obtained from Hot Weather Forecasts, and using the Harvester or Feed Bucket.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Jack Knife-icon Pin Cushion-icon Planer-icon Thimble-icon Whetstone-icon Tools-icon Wood-icon
Jack Knife Pin Cushion Planer Thimble Whetstone Tools-icon 3 Tools Wood-icon 50 Wood
Mystery Gift Item

Crafting Workshop Collection[]

The Crafting Workshop Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from the Crafting Workshop.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Saw Dust-icon Bent Nails-icon Framing Square-icon Measuring Stick-icon Crafting Bird House-icon XP-icon Coins-icon Motion Components-icon
Saw Dust Bent Nails Framing Square Measuring Stick Bird House XP-icon 1000 XP Coins-icon 1000 Coins Motion Components

Crawdad Collection[]

The Crawdad Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by harvesting Crawdad Traps.

Collectibles Reward
Crawdad Pilaf-icon Boiled Crawdad-icon Mudbug Souffle-icon Spicy Crawdad Tail-icon Crawdad Claw Earring-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Crawdad Pilaf Boiled Crawdad Mudbug Souffle Spicy Crawdad Tail Crawdad Claw Earring 75 Prize Tickets

Creepy Candy Collection[]

Creepy Candy Collection

Crop Crafting Collection[]

Crop Crafting Collection

Detective Agency Collection[]

The Detective Agency Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Detective Agency and tending Trackin' Pigs.

Collectibles Reward
Badge-icon Invisible Ink-icon Walkin' Shoes-icon Notebook-icon Handcuffs-icon Footprints-icon

Badge Invisible Ink Walkin' Shoes Notebook Handcuffs Footprints

Diamond Carnival Collection[]

Diamond Carnival Collection

Dig Site Collection[]

Dig Site Collection

Digging Dog Collection[]

The Digging Dog Collection is a Collection ??

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Rusty Can-icon Moldy Shoe-icon Old Bottle-icon Bent Fork-icon Silver Dollar-icon XP-icon Hole in the Grass-icon
Rusty Cann Moldy Shoe Old Bottle Bent Fork Silver Dollar XP-icon 100 XP Hole in the Grass

Diner Breakfast Collection[]

Diner Breakfast Collection

Diner Chef Collection[]

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Boilin' Pot-icon Steak Knife-icon Chef Hat-icon Diner Menu-icon Fancy Silverware-icon Dinner-icon
Boilin' Pot Steak Knife Chef Hat Diner Menu Fancy Silverware 1 Dinner

Diner Dinner Collection[]

Diner Dinner Collection

Diner Lunch Collection[]

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Sweet Potato Chips2-icon Giant Pickle-icon Red Potato Salad-icon Pulled Pork-icon Ice Water-icon File:Ultimate Chili-icon.png
Sweet Potato Chips Giant Pickle Red Potato Salad Pulled Pork Ice Water Ultimate Chili

Dino Bones Collection[]

Dino Bones Collection

Dinosaur Collection[]

Dinosaur Collection

Disturbed Spirit Collection[]

Disturbed Spirit Collection

Dog Show Collection[]

Dog Show Collection

Dry Dry Dessert Collection[]

Dry Dry Dessert Collection

Doghouse Collection[]

The Doghouse Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Doghouse.

Collectibles Reward
Dog Ball-icon Chew Toy-icon Chewed Shoes-icon Pig's Ear-icon Flying Disc-icon Goose Ready Boost-icon XP-icon
Dog Ball Chew Toy Chewed Shoes Pig's Ear Flying Disc Goose Ready Boost 25 XP

Duck Collection[]

The Duck Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Ducks on the Homestead.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Yellow Feathers-icon Duck Foi Gras-icon Peking Duck-icon Turducken-icon Balut-icon Duck Ready Boost-icon
Yellow Feathers Duck Foi Gras Peking Duck Turducken Balut Duck Ready Boost

Dunkin' Donkey Collection[]

Dunkin' Donkey Collection

Eggplant Collection[]

The Eggplant Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Eggplants.

Collectibles Reward
Eggplant Stew-icon Fried Eggplant-icon Roasted Eggplant-icon Eggplant Casserole-icon Ratatouille-icon Firecracker-icon

Eggplant Stew Fried Eggplant Roasted Eggplant Eggplant Casserole Ratatouille 2 Firecrackers

Elderberry Collection[]

The Elderberry Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Elderberry Trees. It was released on November 14th, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Elderberry Syrup-icon Elderberry Candy-icon Longhorn Beetle-icon Elderberry Wreath-icon Elderberry Jam-icon Elderberry Tree-icon
Elderberry Syrup Elderberry Candy Longhorn Beetle Elderberry Wreath Elderberry Jam Elderberry Tree

Emporium Collection[]

Emporium Collection

Everglade Collection[]

Everglade Collection

Exotic Bug Collection[]

Exotic Bug Collection

Exotic Fish Collection[]

Exotic Fish Collection

Fall Harvest Collection[]

Fall Harvest Collection

Family Collection[]

The Family Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by following the storyline of the game. When the Pioneer receives a Letters, there is a chance of getting a part of this collection.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Overalls-icon Portrait Photo-icon Hope Chest-icon Diary-icon Baby Shoes-icon Reputation-icon Washboard-icon
Overalls Portrait Photo Hope Chest Diary Baby Shoes +5 Reputation Free Washboard

Family Reunion Collection[]

Family Reunion Collection

Family Secret Collection[]

The Family Secret Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Halloween Hutch.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Fanny's Family Portrait-icon Hank's Family Portrait-icon Wolfbane Tincture-icon Essence of Bat-icon Shed Fang-icon
Family Secret Mystery Crate-icon
Fanny's Family Portrait Hank's Family Portrait Wolfbane Tincture Essence of Bat Bear Claw Family Secret Mystery Crate

Fancy Gratchett Collection[]

Fancy Gratchett Collection

Farming Artifact Collection[]

Farming Artifact Collection

Ferris Wheel Collection[]

Ferris Wheel Collection

Fig Collection[]

Fig Collection

Fine Dining Collection[]

Fine Dining Collection

Fire Station Collection[]

Fire Station Collection

Flax Collection[]

The Flax Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Flax.

Collectibles Reward
Canvas-icon Rope-icon Twine-icon Flaxseed Oil-icon Farmer Hat-icon Ribbon-icon Cloth-icon
Canvas Rope Twine Flaxseed Oil Farmer Hat 4 Ribbon 2 Cloth

Flower Gardening Collection[]

The Flower Gardening Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Flowers.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Gardening Apron-icon Pruning Sheers-icon Flower Food-icon Potting Soil-icon Flower Bucket-icon Iris-icon XP-icon
Gardening Apron Pruning Sheers Flower Food Potting Soil Flower Bucket 2 Irises XP-icon 25 XP

Flower Shop Collection[]

The Flower Shop Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Flower Shop.

Collectibles Reward
Vase-icon Floral Wire-icon Bouquet Bow-icon Floral Foam-icon Gift Card-icon Flower Shop Sign-icon Coins-icon
Vase Floral Wire Bouquet Bow Floral Foam Gift Card Flower Shop Sign 50 Coins

Flytrap Patch Collection[]

The Flytrap Patch Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clearing the Flytrap Patch. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Green Chompers-icon Beetle Necklace-icon Green Acid-icon Green Pearl-icon Fly Gravestone-icon Accelerated Crop Boost-icon
Green Chompers Beetle Necklace Green Acid Green Pearl Fly Gravestone 5 Accelerate Crop Boost

Foothill Flowers Collection[]

Foothill Flowers Collection

Foothill Shrub Collection[]

Foothill Shrub Collection

Foundry Collection[]

The Foundry Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Foundry.

Collectibles Reward
Furnace-icon Ladle-icon Casting Mold-icon Slack Tub-icon Tongs-icon Powder Keg-icon

Furnace Ladle Casting Mold Slack Tub Tongs Powder Keg

Fourth of July Collection[]

The Fourth of July Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by building or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Fireworks Stand as well as randomly around the Homestead

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Patriotic Ribbons-icon Tiny Flags-icon Fireworks Picnic Basket-icon Flag Cake-icon Uncle Sam Hat-icon Eagle Statue-icon XP-icon
Patriotic Ribbons Tiny Flags Fireworks Picnic Basket Flag Cake Uncle Sam Hat Eagle Statue XP

Fowl Pond Collection[]

The Fowl Pond Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Fowl Pond.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Algae-icon Lilly Pad-icon Dragonfly-icon Tadpole-icon Koi Fish-icon Green Turtle-icon
Algae Lilly Pad Dragonfly Tadpole Koi Fish Green Turtle

Fox Collection[]

The Fox Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Foxes.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Fox Tail-icon Fox Fur-icon Fox Paw-icon Broken Egg-icon Chicken Bones-icon Goose-icon XP-icon
Fox Tail Fox Fur Fox Paw Broken Egg Chicken Bones Free Goose XP-icon 25 XP

Frankenfruit Tree Collection[]

The Frankenfruit Tree Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Frankenfruit Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Unripened-icon Monstrous Birdnest-icon Frankenscense-icon Sickly Seeds-icon Frankenworm-icon Energy-icon

Unripened Monstrous Birdnest Frankenscense Sickly Seeds Frankenworm 8 Energy

Free-range Fatty Collection[]

Free-range Fatty Collection

Free-range Fuzzy Collection[]

Free-range Fuzzy Collection

Fresh Grass Collection[]

Fresh Grass Collection

Frog Haven Collection[]

Frog Haven Collection

Frontier Works Collection[]

Frontier Works Collection

Garlic Collection[]

The Garlic Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Garlics.

Collectibles Reward
Garlic Powder-icon Garlic Bread-icon Garlic Wreath-icon Garlic Leaves-icon Garlic Juice-icon Unwither Crop Boost-icon

Garlic Powder Garlic Bread Garlic Wreath Garlic Leaves Garlic Juice 5 Unwither Crop Boosts

Gemstone Collection[]

Gemstone Collection

General Store Collection[]

The General Store Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the General Store or Boosted General Store.

Collectibles Reward
Desk Bell-icon Old Book-icon Cash Register-icon Grain Sack-icon Receipt-icon Tools-icon Wood-icon
Desk Bell Old Book Cash Register Grain Sack Receipt 2 Tools 50 Wood

Ghost Pumpkins Collection[]

The Ghost Pumpkins Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Ghost Pumpkins.

Collectibles Reward
Moonlight-icon Haunted Eyes-icon Melted Candles-icon Haunting Grin-icon Creepy Shadows-icon Prize Ghost Pumpkin-icon

Moonlight Haunted Eyes Melted Candles Haunting Grin Creepy Shadows Prize Ghost Pumpkin

Ghostly Collection[]

The Ghostly Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting clobbering Ghosts in the Ghost Town. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Torn Cloth-icon Rusted Chain-icon Ectoplasm-icon Faded Photo-icon Golden Tooth-icon Charm-icon
Torn Cloth Rusted Chain Ectoplasm Faded Photo Golden Tooth Charm-icon 20 Charm

Ghostly Varmints Collection[]

The Ghostly Varmints Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Ghosts in the Ghost Town. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Reward
Petrified Bone-icon Ghostly Scales-icon Broken Charm-icon Ghost Dust-icon Jagged Tooth-icon Charm-icon

Petrified Bone Ghostly Scales Broken Charm Ghost Dust Jagged Tooth Charm-icon 20 Charm

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Petrified Bone-icon Ghostly Scales-icon Broken Charm-icon Ghost Dust-icon Jagged Tooth-icon Charm-icon
Ghost Dust

Gnarly-Horned Mountain Goat Collection[]

The Gnarly-Horned Goat Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Gnarly-Horned Goats in the The Pioneer Trail. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Reward
Mohair Yarn-icon Stinky Cheese-icon Chin Puff-icon Twisted Horn-icon Gnarly Sweater-icon Prize Ticket-icon

Mohair Yarn Stinky Cheese Chin Puff Twisted Horn Gnarly Sweater 75 Prize Tickets

Goat Collection[]

The Goat Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding or tending Goats.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Can-icon Feta Cheese-icon Cashmere Sweater-icon Goat Milk-icon Goat Stew-icon Cherry Tree-icon XP-icon
Can Feta Cheese Cashmere Sweater Goat Milk Goat Stew Free Cherry Tree XP-icon 25 XP

Gold Carnival Collection[]

Gold Carnival Collection

Golden Fiddle Collection[]

Golden Fiddle Collection

Golden Trail Collection[]

The Golden Trail Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by building the Pioneer Pavilion and by building and collecting the Birch Still Daily Bonus.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Golden Beaver Trap-icon Golden Water Bucket-icon Golden Snow Shovel-icon Golden Goose Egg-icon Golden Musket-icon Golden Hammer-icon XP-icon
Golden Beaver Trap Golden Water Bucket Golden Snow Shovel Golden Goose Egg Golden Musket 1 Golden Hammer XP-icon 350 XP

Goose Collection[]

The Goose Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding or tending Geese.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Goose Quill-icon Goose Egg-icon Foie Gras-icon Roasted Goose-icon Goose Soup-icon Downy Feathers-icon Food Piece-icon
Goose Quill Goose Egg Foie Gras Roasted Goose Goose Soup 1 Downy Feather Food-icon 35 Food

Gramps' Collection[]

Gramps' Collection

Grand Bandstand Collection[]

The Grand Bandstand Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Grand Bandstand. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bloomers-icon Bandstand Sheet Music-icon Sunglasses-icon Microphone-icon Autograph-icon Lilac Frog-icon
Bloomers Sheet Music Sunglasses Microphone Autograph 1 Lilac Frog

Grape Collection[]

The Grape Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Grapes.

Collectibles Reward
Grape Juice-icon Raisins-icon Grape Jam-icon Grape Bread-icon Grape Parfait-icon Grape Arbor-icon

Grape Juice Raisins Grape Jam Grape Bread Grape Parfait Grape Arbor

Graveyard Collection[]

The Graveyard Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Graveyard.

Collectibles Reward
Shrunken Head-icon Witch's Broom-icon Vampire Fangs-icon Garlic Necklace-icon Scary Mask-icon Skull-icon XP-icon
Shrunken Head Witch's Broom Vampire Fangs Garlic Necklace Scary Mask Skull 25 XP

Greedy Bandit Collection[]

Greedy Bandit Collection

Greenhouse Collection[]

The Greenhouse Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by building your new Greenhouse and moving through The Greenhouse Goal Series.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Greenhouse butterflies Greenhouse mister Greenhouse bunnies Greenhouse gloves Greenhouse tape Wither Protection Boost-icon
Butterflies Mister Garden Bunny Gardening Gloves Gardening Tape Big Wither Protection Boost

Groundhog Collection[]

The Groundhog Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Groundhogs.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Damaged Tomato-icon Chewed Corn-icon Peanut Shells-icon Eaten Peas-icon Pumpkin Rinds-icon Energy-icon
Damaged Tomato Chewed Corn Peanut Shells Eaten Peas Pumpkin Rinds Energy-icon 4 Energy

Gum Drop Collection[]

Gum Drop Collection

Guppy Collection[]

Guppy Collection

Headin' West Collection[]

Headin' West Collection

Healthy Hank Collection[]

Healthy Hank Collection

Heart Letter Collection[]

Heart Letter Collection

Herding Dog Collection[]

The Herding Dog Collection is a Collection ??

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Dead Snake-icon Nettles-icon Skunk Pelt-icon Deer Poop-icon Shepherds Crook-icon XP-icon Wire Fence-icon
Dead Snake Nettles Skunk Pelt Deer Poop Shepherds Crook XP-icon 100 XP Barbed Wire Fence

Hex Collection[]

The Hex Collection was a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering ghost Varmints. It was released on October 21st, 2010. Collectibles from it could no longer be obtained as of November 7th, 2010.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Groundhog Doll-icon Fox Doll-icon Bear Doll-icon Snake Doll-icon Bad Seed-icon Pumpkin Topiary-icon
Groundhog Doll Fox Doll Bear Doll Snake Doll Bad Seed 1 Pumpkin Topiary
Collected From
Clobbering Ghost Groundhog Clobbering Ghost Fox Clobbering Ghost Bear Clobbering Ghost Snake Harvesting Pumpkins

Hickory Collection[]

The Hickory Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Hickory Trees. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Hickory Leaves-icon Smokin' Charcoal-icon Hickory Syrup-icon Hickory Nuts-icon Hickory Switch-icon Prize Ticket-icon
Hickory Leaves Smokin' Charcoal Hickory Syrup Hickory Nuts Hickory Switch Prize Ticket-icon 25 Prize Ticket

Hidden Hideout Collection[]

Hidden Hideout Collection

Hideout Collection[]

The Hideout Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from Little Crow's Hideout.

Collectibles Reward
"No Cowboys" Sign-icon Treasure Box-icon Bluejay Feather-icon Toy Horse-icon Wooden Flute-icon Horse-icon XP-icon
"No Cowboys" Sign Treasure Box Bluejay Feather Toy Horse Wooden Flute 1 Horse 50 XP

Hitchin' Rail Collection[]

The Hitchin' Rail Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Wedding Wagon.

Collectibles Reward
Spare Wheel-icon Wagon Canopy-icon Packing Crates-icon Strong Box-icon Canopy Rib-icon Red Rose Ready Boost Set-icon

Spare Wheel Wagon Canopy Packing Crates Strong Box Canopy Rib 5 Red Rose Ready Boost

Hogknocker Collection[]

The Hogknocker Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Hogknocker Pigs and opening Hogknocker Crates.

Collectibles Reward
Pig Ornament-icon Truffle Wreath-icon Tall Tale-icon Hogknocker Tusk-icon Holiday Ham-icon Hogknocker Piglet-icon XP-icon
Pig Ornament Truffle Wreath Tall Tale Hogknocker Tusk Holiday Ham 1 Hogknocker Piglet XP-icon 50 XP

Holiday Bow Collection[]

Holiday Bow Collection

Holiday Cheer Collection[]

Holiday Cheer Collection

Holiday Decoration Collection[]

Holiday Decoration Collection

Holiday Hall Collection[]

Holiday Hall Collection

Holiday Hollow Collection[]

Holiday Hollow Collection

Homefront Heroes Collection[]

Homefront Heroes Collection

Holiday Hollow[]

Holiday Hollow Collection

Horse Collection[]

The Horse Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding or tending Horses. The Grooming Brush can also be acquired from the Weather Forecast Hot and a Chance of Rain.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Saddle-icon Horsehair Brush-icon Boot Spurs-icon Grooming Brush-icon Lasso-icon Mule-icon
Saddle Horsehair Brush Boot Spurs Grooming Brush Lasso Free Mule

Hot Spring Collection[]

Hot Spring Collection

Hunting Artifact Collection[]

Hunting Artifact Collection

Hunting Dog Collection[]

The Hunting Dog Collection is a Collection ??

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Duck Decoy-icon Deer Blind-icon Pheasant-icon Shotgun Shell-icon Moose Trophy-icon XP-icon Food-icon
Duck Decoy Deer Blind Pheasant Shotgun Shell Moose Trophy XP-icon 100 XP Food-icon 200 Food

Ice Chip Collection[]

Ice Chip Collection

Ice Skating Collection[]

Ice Skating Collection

Icy Collection[]

The Icy Collection was a Collection that was available from January 6th, 2011 until February 14th, 2011. It contained items which could be acquired by trapping Groundhogs or building Groundhog Traps.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Ice Saw-icon Ice Skates-icon Ice Pick-icon Ice Tongs-icon Curling Set-icon Frozen Chicken-icon
Ice Saw Ice Skates Ice Pick Ice Tongs Curling Set 1 Frozen Chicken

Import Collection[]

Import Collection

Independence Day Collection[]

The Independence Day Collection was a Limited Edition Collection which was available from July 2nd until July 13th, 2010 as part of the American Independence Day Event.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Tricorne Hat-icon Cannonball-icon Snare Drum-icon Powder Horn-icon Tea Crate-icon Liberty Bell-icon
Tricorne Hat Cannonball Snare Drum Powder Horn Tea Crate Free Liberty Bell
Collected From
Daily Bonuses Harvesting Chickens Clobbering Varmints Chopping Neighbor's Trees Clearing Grass
Purchased for
Horseshoe-icon 76 Horseshoes
Horseshoe-icon 12 Horseshoes
Horseshoe-icon 12 Horseshoes
Horseshoe-icon 95 Horseshoes
Horseshoe-icon 12 Horseshoes
Horseshoe-icon 200 Horseshoes

Injured Animal Collection[]

The Injured Animal Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Injured Animals.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Heater-icon Formula-icon Cone of Shame-icon Vaccine-icon Splint-icon First Aid Station-icon
Heater Formula Cone of Shame Vaccine Splint First Aid Station

Inn Collection[]

The Inn Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Inn.

Collectibles Reward
Basket-icon Coffee Cup-icon Dinner Plate-icon Linen-icon Pillow-icon Horseshoe-icon

Basket Coffee Cup Dinner Plate Linen Pillow Horseshoe

Inn L'Amour Collection[]

The Inn L'Amour Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired after upgrading the Inn and then collecting the Daily Bonus from the Inn L'Amour. Tips however may also be collected from the wall as a reward. Collection

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Inn Upgrade Toiletries-icon Inn Upgrade Room Service-icon Inn Upgrade Broken Lamp-icon Inn Upgrade Bed Bug-icon Inn Upgrade Tips-icon Fuzzy Blanket-icon
Toiletries Room Service Broken Lamp Bed Bugs Tips Fuzzy Blanket

Jackalope Lodge Collection[]

The Jackalope Lodge Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Jackalope Lodge.

Collectibles Reward
Jackalope Antlers-icon Membership Card-icon Lodge Hat-icon Medallion-icon Membership Patch-icon Goat-icon

Jackalope Antlers Membership Card Lodge Hat Medallion Membership Patch 2 Goats

Jailhouse Collection[]

Jailhouse Collection

Java Llama Collection[]

Java Llama Collection

July 4th 2012 Collection[]

July 4th 2012 Collection

Jumbo Cane Collection[]

The Jumbo Cane Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting Jumbo Cane. It was released on November 29th, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Mint Mini Cane-icon Cinnamon Mini Cane-icon Butterscotch Mini Cane-icon Cherry Mini Cane-icon Rainbow Mini Cane-icon Candy Canes-icon
Mini Cane Mini Cane Mini Cane Mini Cane Mini Cane 50 Candy Canes

Kennel Collection[]

The Kennel Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Kennel.

Collectibles Reward
Pet Door-icon Kibble-icon Mop 'n Bucket-icon Ear Plugs-icon Poop Scoop-icon Chunky Chow-icon XP-icon
Pet Door Kibble Mop 'n Bucket Ear Plugs Poop Scoop Chunky Chow 100 XP

Kissing Tree Collection[]

The Kissing Tree Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Kissing Tree, and whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from the Chapel.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bracelet-icon Kissing Tree Handkerchief-icon Lock of Hair-icon Splinter-icon Love Nest-icon Kissing Swans-icon XP-icon
Bracelet Handkerchief Lock of Hair Splinter Love Nest Kissing Swans XP-icon 150 XP

Kitty Collection[]

Kitty Collection

Land Office Collection[]

The Land Office Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Land Office.

Collectibles Reward
Survey Chain-icon Compass-icon Survey Post-icon Survey Transit-icon Territory Map-icon Ox-icon Wire Fence-icon
Survey Chain Compass Survey Post Survey Transit Territory Map Ox Barbed Wire Fence

Legal Collection[]

Legal Collection

Lemon Collection[]

The Lemon Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Lemon Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Lemon Branch-icon Lemon Rind-icon Fresh Lemonade-icon Zesty Aroma-icon Meringue Pie-icon Lemon Ready Boost-icon

Lemon Branch Lemon Rind Fresh Lemonade Zesty Aroma Meringue Pie Lemon Ready Boost

Libary Collection[]

Libary Collection

Livestock Pen Collection[]

The Livestock Pen Collection is a Collection which contains items that can be acquired by constructing and collecting the Daily Bonus of the Livestock Pen.

Collectibles Reward
Feed Bags-icon Loose Straw-icon Ear Tags-icon Clippers-icon Dewormer-icon XP-icon Energy-icon
Feed Bags Loose Straw Ear Tags Clippers Dewormer 50 XP 5 Energy

Log Sawin' Collection[]

Log Sawin' Collection

Lookout Collection[]

Lookout Collection

Madrone Collection[]

Madrone Collection

Magic of Winter Collection[]

Magic of Winter Collection

Maize Collection[]

Maize Collection

Manure Collection[]

The Manure Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding certain Animals. The Prairie Pile can also be obtained by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Foundry.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Poultry Puddin'-icon Piggy Poop-icon Brush Brownie-icon Prairie Pile-icon Meadow Muffin-icon Saltpeter-icon Wildflowers-icon
Poultry Puddin' Piggy Poop Brush Brownie Prairie Pile Meadow Muffin One Saltpeter One Wildflowers
Collected From
Feed Chicken / Geese Feed Pigs Feed Goats / Sheep, Scare Fox Feed Mules / Horses, Scare Bears Feed Cows / Oxen

Manzanita Collection[]

The Manzanita Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by ??. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bark-icon Leaves-icon Dried Manzanita-icon Berries-icon Manzanita Cider-icon Prize Ticket-icon
Bark Leaves Dried Manzanita Berries Manzanita Cider Prize Ticket-icon 25 Prize Ticket

Maple Collection[]

Maple Collection

Medical Collection[]

The Medical Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together and collecting the Daily Bonus from the Doctor's Office. On March 4th, 2011, the Syringe was available for a short time.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Forceps-icon Stethoscope-icon Bone Saw-icon Bandage-icon Syringe-icon Medical Supplies-icon XP-icon
Forceps Stethoscope Bone Saw Bandage Syringe Medical Supplies XP-icon 100 XP

Med-Pack Collection[]

The Med-Pack Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by ?. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Arm Sling-icon Crutches-icon Healing Salve-icon Hot Water Bottle-icon Iodine-icon Prize Ticket-icon
Arm Sling Crutches Healing Salve Hot Water Bottle Iodine Prize Ticket-icon 75 Prize Ticket

Melon Collection[]

The Melon Collection is a Collection which contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Melons.

Collectibles Reward
Melon Rind-icon Melon Balls-icon Melon Sorbet-icon Melon Juice-icon Square Melon-icon Gardener Sheep-icon XP-icon
Melon Rind Melon Balls Melon Sorbet Melon Juice Square Melon Gardener Sheep 100 XP

Memory Collection[]

Memory Collection

Military Collection[]

The Military Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Guards in Fort Courage. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Miltary Rank-icon Bandoleer-icon Military Rifle-icon Military Pack-icon Military Cap-icon Cloth-icon XP-icon
Military Rank Bandoleer Military Rifle Military Pack Military Cap 4 Cloth XP-icon 300 XP

Mining Collection[]

Mining Collection

Monster Varmints Collection[]

The Monster Varmints Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by clobbering Varmints in the Ghost Town. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Toxic Saliva-icon Neck Bolts-icon Large Stitches-icon Electric Clamps-icon Borrowed Organs-icon Charm-icon
Toxic Saliva Neck Bolts Large Stitches Electric Clamps Borrowed Organs Charm-icon 20 Charm

Moose Collection[]

The Moose Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Moose on yours or your Neighbor's Homestead.. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Moose Jerky-icon Moose Meatballs-icon Moose Chili-icon Felt Shedding-icon Moose Head-icon Carrot Juice-icon XP-icon
Moose Jerky Moose Meatballs Moose Chili Felt Shedding Moose Head Carrot Juice XP-icon 100 XP

Mountain Blueberry Collection[]

The Mountain Blueberry Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Mountain Blueberry Trees. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Blueberry Pie-icon Blueberry Juice-icon Blueberry Muffin-icon Blueberry Jam-icon Blueberry Pancakes-icon Prize Ticket-icon
Blueberry Pie Blueberry Juice Blueberry Muffin Blueberry Jam Blueberry Pancakes Prize Ticket-icon 50 Prize Ticket

Mule Collection[]

The Mule Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding or tending Mules.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bedroll-icon Bridle-icon Feedbag-icon Saddlebags-icon Harness-icon Fruit Ready Boost-icon
Bedroll Bridle Feedbag Saddlebags Harness Fruit Ready Boost

Mummy Collection[]

Mummy Collection

Museum Collection[]

Museum Collection

Mystery Animal Collection[]

The Mystery Animal Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired from feeding or grooming Mystery Animals.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Studded Leash-icon Spiked Collar-icon Cute Bow-icon Golden Bowl-icon Fancy Treat-icon Stuffed Bear-icon
Studded Leash Spiked Collar Cute Bow Golden Bowl Fancy Treat Free Stuffed Bear

Naughty Collection[]

Naughty Collection

Nefarious Plans Collection[]

Nefarious Plans Collection

New Year's Collection[]

The New Year's Collection was a Limited Edition Collection that contains items which could have been acquired by doing various things in The Pioneer Trail during the A Brand New Year Event.

Collectibles Reward
Baby New Year-icon Calendar-icon Resolution List-icon Scale-icon Toast Glass-icon Angel Statue-icon

Baby New Year Calendar Resolution List Scale Toast Glass Angel Statue

Newspaper Stand Collection[]

The News Stand Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Newspaper Stand.

Collectibles Reward
Bundle Cord-icon Ink Roller-icon Newspaper-icon Newsie Hat-icon Press Pass-icon Newspaper Stack-icon

Bundle Cord Ink Roller Newspaper Newsie Hat Press Pass Newspaper Stack

Nursery Collection[]

Nursery Collection

Oak Tree Collection[]

The Oak Tree Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by chopping Oak Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Termite-icon Axe-icon Bird's Nest-icon Oak Leaf-icon Acorn-icon Fire-icon Oak Sapling-icon
Termite Axe Bird's Nest Oak Leaf Acorn 3 Fire Oak Sapling

Orange Collection[]

The Orange Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Orange Trees.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Orange Peel-icon Orange Leaves-icon Orange Sauce-icon Orange Juice-icon Orange Marmalade-icon File:Orange Tree Ready Boost-icon.png
Orange Peel Orange Leaves Orange Sauce Orange Juice Orange Marmalade Orange Tree Ready Boost

Orchard Collection[]

The Orchard Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by collecting the Daily Bonus from the Orchard

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Wooden stake Tree Saw Orchard Lopper Shaker Sprinkler Orchard water XP-icon
Wooden Stake Tree Saw Lopper Shaker Sprinkler 3 Spring Water 50

Orchid Collection[]

The Orchid Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Pink Orchids.

Collectibles Reward
Orchid Boutonniere-icon Orchid-icon Orchid Hat Pin-icon Orchid Perfume-icon Orchid Bee-icon XP-icon Orchid Planter Box-icon
Orchid Boutonniere Orchid Orchid Hat Pin Orchid Perfume Orchid Bee 100 XP Orchid Planter Box

Over the Rainbow Collection[]

Over the Rainbow Collection

Ox Collection[]

The Ox Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding or tending Oxen.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Branding Iron-icon Ground Chuck-icon Steer Horn-icon Ribeye-icon Nose Ring-icon Cow-icon XP-icon
Branding Iron Ground Chuck Steer Horn Ribeye Nose Ring Free Cow XP-icon 25 XP

Pampered Pigs Collection[]

Pampered Pigs Collection

Pampered Sheep Collection[]

Pampered Sheep Collection

Panther Collection[]

Panther Collection

Peach Collection[]

The Peach Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Peach Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Peach Cider-icon Peach Candy-icon Peach Preserve-icon Peach Cobbler-icon Peach Pie-icon Energy-icon Barrel-icon
Peach Cider Peach Candy Peach Preserve Peach Cobbler Peach Pie 7 Energy Barrel

Peanut Collection[]

The Peanut Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Peanuts.

Collectibles Reward
Boiled Peanuts-icon Peanut Brittle-icon Peanut Butter-icon Peanut Oil-icon Roasted Peanuts-icon Unwither Crops Boost-icon

Boiled Peanuts Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Peanut Oil Roasted Peanuts Unwither Crops Boost

Pear Collection[]

The Pear Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Pear Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Pear Candy-icon Pear Cider-icon Pear Pie-icon Pear Preserves-icon Pear Cobbler-icon XP-icon Open Crate-icon
Pear Candy Pear Cider Pear Pie Pear Preserves Pear Cobbler 50 XP Open Crate

Peas Collection[]

The Peas Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting and watering Peas.

Collectibles Reward
Pea Soup-icon Pea Stew-icon Pea Pod-icon Peas and Rice-icon Snow Pea Stir Fry-icon Wither Protection Boost-icon

Pea Soup Pea Stew Pea Pod Peas and Rice Snow Pea Stir Fry Wither Protection Boost

Pecan Collection[]

The Pecan Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Pecan Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Pecan Bark-icon Candied Pecans-icon Pecan Pie-icon Pecan Pralines-icon Trout with Pecans-icon Coins-icon

Pecan Bark Candied Pecans Pecan Pie Pecan Pralines Trout with Pecans 3000 Coins

Pee Collection[]

The Pee Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by tending Dogs.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Yellow Snow Collectible-icon Damp Tree Trunk-icon Damp Bush-icon Damp Mailbox-icon Damp Leg-icon Yellow Snow-icon XP-icon
Yellow Snow Damp Tree Trunk Damp Bush Damp Mailbox Damp Leg 1 Yellow Snow Sign XP-icon 50 XP

Pen Pal Collection[]

Pen Pal Collection

Peppermint Collection[]

The Peppermint Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Peppermint Bushes.

Collectibles Reward
Peppermint Tea-icon Peppermint Oil-icon Minty Toothpaste-icon Peppermint Candy-icon Peppermint Gum-icon Peppermint Extract-icon XP-icon
Peppermint Tea Peppermint Oil Minty Toothpaste Peppermint Candy Peppermint Gum Peppermint Extract 100 XP

Persimmon Collection[]

The Persimmon Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by watering or harvesting Persimmon Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Persimmon Cider-icon Persimmon Candy-icon Persimmon Jam-icon Persimmon Cobbler-icon Persimmon Pie-icon Coins-icon XP-icon
Persimmon Cider Persimmon Candy Persimmon Jam Persimmon Cobbler Persimmon Pie 1500 Coins 100 XP

Pet Shop Collection[]

The Petshop Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by whacking together or collecting the Daily Bonus from the Pet Shop.

Collectibles Reward
Fish Food-icon Hamster Wheel-icon Bird Food-icon Catnip-icon Lizards-icon Chunky Chow-icon XP-icon
Fish Food Hamster Wheel Bird Food Catnip Lizards Chunky Chow 50 XP

Pheasant Collection[]

The Pheasant Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by using your Hunter to shoot Pheasants on The Pioneer Trail. It was released on ??, 2011.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Pheasant Skull-icon Pheasant Beak-icon Pheasant Drumstick-icon Pheasant Feathers-icon Pheasant Foot-icon Prize Ticket-icon
Pheasant Skull Pheasant Beak Pheasant Drumstick Pheasant Feathers Pheasant Foot Prize Ticket-icon 75 Prize Ticket

Pig Collection[]

The Pig Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by feeding and tending Pigs.

Collectibles Trade in Reward
Bacon-icon Ham-icon Porkchop Ribs-icon Sausage-icon Peach Tree-icon XP-icon
Bacon Ham Porkchop Ribs Sausage Free Peach Tree XP-icon 25 XP

Pine Tree Collection[]

The Pine Tree Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by chopping Pine Trees.

Collectibles Reward
Spiked Boots-icon Pine Cone-icon Pine Needles-icon Turpentine-icon Tree Wedge-icon Plank-icon Pine Sapling-icon
Spiked Boots Pine Cone Pine Needles Turpentine Tree Wedge 3 Plank Pine Sapling

Pink Rose Collection[]

The Pink Rose Collection is a Collection that contains items which can be acquired by harvesting Pink Roses.

Collectibles Reward
Pink Rose Petal-icon Pink Rose Vase-icon Pink Rose Thorn-icon Pink Rosebud-icon