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FrontierVille Wiki
Clobber Snakes
Clobber Snakes-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionSnake are all around on the frontier. Some are poison', so watch out. Clobber a few an' see if you kin get rid of 'em.
In-Game HintSnakes live in Grass, under Rocks, and especially inside old Skulls
XPXP-icon 45 XP
Sharing Bonus
FoodFood-icon 20 Food
Spruce Things Up Clobber Snakes Build a Water Tower

Clobber Snakes is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on June 17th, 2010.


Snake-icon Clobber 3 Snakes. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 9 Horseshoes


Share Clobber Snakes Pioneer has a snake to show you!

Snakes make good eatin' out on the frontier, and Pioneer hunted "food" to share with you.


Gallery Clobber Snakes

Goal Info

Clobber Snakes Complete

Goal Complete