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FrontierVille Wiki
Clobber Foxes
Clobber Foxes-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionWhen folk start raisin' up plump yard birds, the foxes start comin' around. Better get to clobberin'!
In-Game HintFoxes come out when chickens and geese are being fed.
XPXP-icon 65 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 300 Coins
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Goose
Pig Farming Clobber Foxes Dairy Ranching

Clobber Foxes is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on June 25th, 2010.


Clobber Fox-icon Clobber 15 Foxes. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes



Share Clobber Foxes Pioneer knocked out the foxes.

Pioneer was a real knockout with the foxes, and saved a lotta chicks in the process. The Pioneer even saved some geese to share with you!


Clobber Foxes

Goal Info

Clobber Foxes Complete

Goal Complete