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Home Ren-O-Vation
No image
Upload File:Build a Crafting Workshop!-icon.png
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionA good craftsman can make anythin' perdy! To start yer Homestead Makeover, Lee would like ya to place the Crafting Workshop
In-Game HintCows are available in the Market. Click "Ask Friends" to send Zoning Permit requests to friends.
XPXP-icon 400 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 500 Coins
ItemRock Arch
Sharing Bonus
ItemCare Package
Build a Crafting Workshop Spend Some Time in the Workshop!

Build a Crafting Workshop, also known as Home Ren-O-Vation, is one of the Goals in FrontierVille and is the first Goal in the Crafting Workshop Goal Series. It was released on ??st, 2011.


Cow-icon Sell 15 Adult Cows Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes
File:Zoning Permit-icon.png Collect 10 Zoning Permits Unlock for Horseshoe-icon ?? Horseshoes
Clear Rocks-icon Clear 10 Rocks Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 70 Horseshoes


File:Share Build a Crafting Workshop.png Pioneer ??

Pioneer ??


Build a Crafting Workshop-tasks

Goal Info

Build a Crafting Workshop-complete

Goal Info

See Also[]

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