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FrontierVille Wiki
Bess and Fanny, Part I of V
Bess and Fanny, Part I of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionDon't you think that Fanny and Bess would make one cute couple? On the surface they don't have much in common (other than a passion for candy), but they always say that opposites attract...
In-Game HintWhite Roses are available in the market. Wildflowers appear in clear areas of your homestead. Cherry candies are part of the cherry collection.
XPXP-icon 100 XP
ItemReputation-icon 25 Reputation
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Cherry Collectible
Bess and Fanny, Part I of V Bess and Fanny, Part II of V

Bess and Fanny, Part I of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the first step in the Bess and Fanny Goal Series.


Harvest White Rose-icon Harvest 10 White Roses Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 25 Horseshoes
Clear Wildflowers-icon Clear 5 Wildflowers Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 10 Horseshoes
Cherry Candy-icon Have or Get 2 Cherry Candies (Them candies will be used to complete this mission.) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 12 Horseshoes


Share Bess and Fanny Part I Why is Pioneer Wearing Little Wings and a Diaper?

Pioneer has been acting as Cupid for Bess and Fanny on the Frontier! There's some cherry candy collectibles for friends!


Bess and Fanny Part I

Goal Info

Bess and Fanny Part I Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]