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Bess and Fanny, Part IV of V
Bess and Fanny, Part IV of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionHorror! Bess just got a letter from her no-good ex-beau rodeo clown, and Fanny's madder than a teetotaler in a frontier saloon! Bess had better convince Fanny of her love, and fast! Teachers like apples, don't they?
In-Game HintRoses are available in the market. Get apple collectibles by harvesting apple trees. Click "ask" above to ask friends for charm bracelets. (Fanny collects 'em.)
XPXP-icon 300 XP
Sharing Bonus
CoinsCoins-icon 50 Coins
Bess and Fanny, Part III of V Bess and Fanny, Part IV of V Bess and Fanny, Part V of V

Bess and Fanny, Part IV of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the fourth step in the Bess and Fanny Goal Series.


Red Rose-icon Harvest 30 Red Roses Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 90 Horseshoes
Apple Collection-icon Turn in 1 Apple Collection Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 20 Horseshoes
Charm Bracelet-icon Collect 10 Charm Bracelets (Them bracelets will be expended to complete this mission.) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 60 Horseshoes


Share Bess and Fanny Part IV Who's Been Polishing Fanny's Apple?

Fanny and Bess are really an item on Pioneer's homestead! Pioneer has some extra silver to give friends!


Bess and Fanny Part IV

Goal Info

Bess and Fanny Part IV Complete

Goal Complete

See Also[]