FrontierVille Wiki
Beating a Path to your Door
Beating a Path to your Door-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionWithout some paths across the homestead, you ain’t gonna get much business. You should take your spouse for a nice stroll over to the neighbor’s and show ‘em how lovely and relaxing it is!
In-Game HintBuy paths in the Market, and place them next to each other to form a connected pathway. Stop your spouse from wandering by clicking on them. Visit all your neighbors to see who else has built paths.
XPXP-icon 80 XP
Item1 Iron Fountain
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Path
The Right Tool for the Job Beating a Path to your Door Stubborn as an Ox

Beating a Path to your Door is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the fourth part in the The Path to Progress goal series. It was released on October 6th, 2010.


Path-icon Build 20 Paths Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 40 Horseshoes
  • Note: Deleting the paths before the next goal will stop it from reverting.


Share Beating a Path to your Door Pioneer is feelin' Pathological!

Pioneer's built paths all over the Frontier, and wants you to have a path too!


Beating a Path to your Door

Goal Info

Beating a Path to your Door Complete

See Also[]