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FrontierVille Wiki
Not Groundhog Day
Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionSeems like there's an infestation of groundhogs right where you want to expand yer property. You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Lure 'em in and don't waste all that meat!
In-Game HintGroundhogs come out when crops are harvested. Peas are availalbe in the Market. To request Shake n' Bacon Packets, click "Ask Friends."
XPXP-icon 500 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 500 Coins
ItemGroundhog Roast
Sharing Bonus
Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part I of V Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part III of V

Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on July 11th, 2011. It is the second step in Beastly Homestead Expansion Goal Series.


Groundhog Cannon-icon Fire the Groundhog Cannon 10 Times Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 80 Horseshoes
Peas-icon Harvest 200 Peas Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 400 Horseshoes
Shake n' Bacon-icon Collect 20 Shake n' Bacon Packets (These'll be used to complete the mission) Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 140 Horseshoes


Share Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V Pioneer's likes the succulent dark meat!

Pioneer is gettin' the outskirts of the homestead ready for expandin' by ridding the place of varmints. There's some varmint surprise to go around for friends!


Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V

Goal Info

Beastly Homestead Expansion, Part II of V Complete

Goal Completed

See Also[]
