FrontierVille Wiki
Bear Cannon
Bear Cannon-icon
—Image © Zynga
DescriptionBear Cannon: Kill bears with one shot! Costs one Powder Keg.
XPXP-icon 800 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 80,000 Coins
Sell forCoins-icon 16,000 Coins

The Bear Cannon is a Decoration on FrontierVille which was released with the Varmint Cannon Goals on August 27th, 2010. It can be obtained from the Foundry as soon as the Varmint Cannon - Part 5: A FrontierVille Fox Hunt Goal is completed for Coins-icon 80,000 Coins. When bought and placed on the Homestead, the Pioneer will receive XP-icon 800 XP. It can be sold for Coins-icon 16,000 Coins.

In order to fire the Bear Cannon, the Bear must be present on the Homestead, and one Powder Keg will be consumed.


Share Kill Bear-icon POW! Pioneer done blasted a bear!

Pioneer blasted a bear away with a bear cannon! Now Pioneer wants to share what's left with everyone!