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Aunt List, Part III of V
Aunt List, Part III of V-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
Description"Maybe some butter mit der taters?”
In-Game HintCows can be found in the market.
Item1 Cow
Sharing Bonus
Item1 Cow
Aunt List, Part II of V Aunt List Part III Aunt List, Part IV of V

Aunt List, Part III of V is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It was released on September 29th, 2010. It is the third part of the Aunt List Goal Series.


Cow-icon Buy 10 Cows Skip for Horseshoe-icon 20 Horseshoes
Cow-icon Tend 10 Neighbor Cows Skip for Horseshoe-icon 20 Horseshoes


Aunt List Part III Share-icon Pioneer's Got Great Udders!

Pioneer's got a bunch of cows to supply milk to relatives in the Old Country. There are even a few extra calves, if you want one!


See Also[]

Aunt List Part I-icon Aunt List, Part I of V
Aunt List Part II-icon Aunt List, Part II of V
Aunt List Part IV-icon Aunt List, Part IV of V
Aunt List Part V-icon Aunt List, Part V of V