FrontierVille Wiki
A FrontierVille Fox Hunt
A FrontierVille Fox Hunt-icon
—Image © Zynga
Goal Information
DescriptionThis is how we hunt foxes in these parts - with heavy ordnance! Yer runnin' a bit low on metal, though.
In-Game HintClick on the Foundry and select the "Build Cannon" button to buy the fox cannon. You can't fire that cannon until a fox appears. Click on the button above to request scrap metal from friends.
XPXP-icon 100 XP
Item1 Cannonballs
Sharing Bonus
ItemPoultry Pudding
Groundhogs: This Time It Is Personal A FrontierVille Fox Hunt

A FrontierVille Fox Hunt is one of the Goals in FrontierVille. It is the final step in the Varmint Cannon series, which can be started by purchasing the Varmint Cannon Mission at the Market. It was released on August 27th, 2010.


Goose-icon Feed 10 Geese. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 7-28 Horseshoes
Fox Cannon-icon Fire the Fox Cannon. Can not skip.
Scrap Metal-icon Request 10 Pieces of Scrap Metal from Friends. Unlock for Horseshoe-icon 11-44 Horseshoes


Share A FrontierVille Fox Hunt

Pioneer has Cast Iron Balls!

In honor of the fox cannon's triumph over the enemy varmint, Pioneer has been awarded a decorative pile of cannon balls and a powder keg. There's poop to share with friends, as well!


See Also[]

Build a Foundry-icon Build a Foundry
What We Need is a Snake Cannon-icon What We Need is a Snake Cannon
Seriously It is a Cannon that Shoots Snakes-icon Seriously It is a Cannon that Shoots Snakes
Groundhogs This Time It Is Personal-icon Groundhogs: This Time It Is Personal